國防人力素質的良窳,決定部隊戰力的關鍵,要確保能獲得勝利的精銳部隊必須長期穩定招募與留住高素質人力,才能發揮先進武器裝備效能。組織中重要的資源之一人力,人力是構成組織的基本元素,組織中的資源能否發揮其效益端賴於優質人力的運用,在軍中人力之重要性,更勝於一般企業。留不住優秀人才是國防武力一個潛在的隱憂亦是重要的課題。退伍、離職是軍隊維持新陳代謝的手段,任何組織都需要新陳代謝,適度的流動率有助於成員的推陳換新,但過高的流動率、以及人才的流失,可能傷及部隊的根本。希望藉此研究提醒管理階層,提升對軍職人員工作感受與態度的重視,瞭解軍職人員現況,以作為組織人力規劃及管理上之參考,更對部隊留人、用人策略之思考有助益。 因此,本研究運用線性結構關係模式(SEM)探討各研究構面之間的影響關係,進而建立整體結構模式。本研究依據文獻之推導建立研究假設,研究結果顯示:(1)工作-家庭衝突與工作倦怠存在顯著正相關(2)工作-家庭衝突對離職傾向之影響不顯著;(3)工作-家庭衝突對工作滿意之影響不顯著;(4)工作滿意對離職傾向具負向顯著影響;(5)工作倦怠對離職傾向具正向顯著影響;(6)工作倦怠對工作滿意具有負向顯著影響;(7)工作-家庭衝突透過工作倦怠對離職傾向具有中介效果。 The key to the strength of troops lies in the quality of home defense human resources. To ensure victory, steady enlisting of highly qualified individuals is crucial for weapons of high technology to be used efficiently. Human resource is the key element in any organization; quality individuals make it possible for resources to be used to their full potential. In the military, the importance of human resources is even more than that of business companies. The inability for the military to keep quality individuals on staff is a matter of importance that is a cause for worry. Metabolism within any organization through change of staff and retirement is necessary; however, staff changes of a too high frequency may lead to loss of talent that may hurt the troops. Through this study, we aim to remind the management that raising the awareness of the importance of one's job in the military and understanding the current situation are beneficial to the management of infrastructure. The present study, therefore, conducted SEM to investigate the correlations among the various constructs, building a whole structure model. Based on the inducing of literature review, research hypotheses were proposed and the research results were as follows : (1) Work–family conflict exists significantly positive relations on the Job Burnout. (2) Work–family conflict doesn’t have a positive significant effect on Turnover Intentions. (3) Work–family conflict doesn’t have a negative significant effect on Job Satisfaction. (4) Job Satisfaction has a negative significant effect on Turnover Intentions. (5) Job Burnout has a significant effectt on Turnover Intentions. (6) Job Burnout has a negative significant effect on Job Satisfaction . (7) The work-family conflict to Turnover Intentions through the Job Burnout has the intermediary effects .