摘要: | 本論文以巴利《中部‧譬喻品》作為研究文本。《譬喻品》是《中部》初五十經(mūla paññāsa)中的五品之一。此譬喻品包括<鋸喻經> ( kakacūpama sutta) 、<蛇喻經> ( algaddūpama sutta)、<螞蟻窩經> (vammika sutta)、<馭者駛車經> (ratavinīta sutta)、<誘餌經> (nivāpa sutta)、<聖求經> (ariyapariyesana sutta)、<小象跡喻經>(cūlahatthipadopama sutta)、<大象跡喻經> (mahāhatthipadopama sutta)、<大實木喻經>(mahāsāropama sutta)和<小實木喻經>(cūlasāropama sutta)。首先,將巴利經文與對應的漢譯經文進行對比,分析故事與內容的差異。其次,分析各篇經文的結構與內容。最後,將這些經文綜合起來,闡釋其思想。 本論文共分為五章,第一章是緒論部份,包含了研究動機、文獻探討與研究方法等。於第二章中,談論譬喻的意義,包含九分教和十二分教中譬喻之來源,以及巴漢經文的比對。第三章,《譬喻品》的經典內容分析,研究譬喻和它的隱藏意義。第四章,討論《譬喻品》的思想,論說其中所含的主要項目,包括慈悲、忍辱與智慧,修習正念及其次第方法,以及由保持正念而成就聖人的證悟。第五章為結論。 本研究中所牽涉的部份,在釋尊的指導下,僧侶佛弟子的修行方式作為立足的基準點。探討在巴利《中部‧譬喻品》中的文獻與思想,說明譬喻在教法傳播上的重要功能,並指出只明白佛經上的譬喻並不代表已了悟佛法,還須深刻理解譬喻中的思想,透過其中指導的方法來實踐,以通向真實的體悟。 研究巴利《中部‧譬喻品》之思想,引導佛教行者實踐佛陀與阿羅漢的解脫方式,而且使他們自己體驗無與倫比的聖人境界。藉由這些經文的啟示,如果將這些思想與修習次第運用於平日生活上,可以獲得精神上的自在。 This is a research on literature and conceptions of the Opammavagga of Majjhima Nikāya. The Opammavagga is one division from the root of fifty discourses (mūla paññā). It contains ten discourses which were uttered by the Buddha and his great disciples, namely The Simile of the Saw, The Simile of the Snake, The Ant-hill, The Relay Chariots, The Bait, The Noble Search, The Shorter Discourse on the Simile of the Elephant's Footprint, The Greater Discourse on the Simile of the Elephant's Footprint, The Greater Discourse on the Simile of the Heartwood and The Shorter Discourse on the Simile of the Heartwood. These discourses have been fulfilled with different kinds of similes. The study of Chinese Buddhist texts (āgama) and doing comparative study with Chinese Buddhist discourses also has identical purpose as the above Pāli discourses. This research paper has been divided into five chapters. First, a preface consists of research motive, explanation of the relevant documents and records. As well as there are discussions on the meaning of the 'Simile' as well as explaining the origin of the nine and twelve elements of the Buddhist discourses (navānga buddhasāsna). In the second chapter, A table of comparative study on Pāli and Chinese discourses has also been included. There is also an analysis of the similes on the ten discourses of Opammavagga and the study of their hidden meanings in the third chapter. In the fourth chapter of this paper, discussion on the conceptions of Opammavagga of Majjhima Nikāya, includes three sub topics, first is the traditional sequence of the Buddhist practice and the path of liberation. Second, we look into the way of developing great compassion, endurance and wisdom. Third, is the way of holding the Right Concentration and great achievement of the Buddhist saints. The last chapter of the paper is the conclusion of the research. By studying the similes of the Buddhist discourses, we are able to grasp the way Buddha teaches his disciples. This research leads the common people to understand the discrimination between 'Buddhist discourse' and 'Buddhism'. At the same time, it also indicates that one's understanding on the meaning of the similes does not represent that he has been awaken by the teachings of the Buddha. This is because the real teachings are more than just the similes, stories and languages that appeared on the Buddhist texts. The conceptions of Opammavagga of Majjhima Nikāya leads the ordinary people to practice the path of liberation which was what had been followed by the Buddha and Buddhist saints as well as leading them to experience the state of a developed mind which was what the saints are exactly attaining. It is noticed that if someone apply the teachings of the ten discourses to their daily life style and practice them in order, they are able to obtain the great wisdom that had been fulfilled by the Buddha and saints. By the power of the great wisdom, it eliminates all impurities of the mind and can attain everlasting happiness. |