本研究主要在探討國小教師對於文教基金會在國小中的功能與角色認知為何。研究國小教師與文教基金會合作時的動機、評估方向與影響,是否因為不同背景的國小教師及學校特質而有所不同。本研究採用問卷調查法,以嘉義縣國小教師為對象進行研究。而研究者根據所回收的資料再利用描述性統計、 T檢定、單因子變異數分析等統計方法分析資料。了解目前文教基金會在國小各層面目前之影響。結果根據分析結果發現:1.國小教師對文教基金會在國小中的功能與角色認知比較傾向於「促進社會公益」以及「參與教育改革」,另外「補助金的提供」以及「彌補政府失靈」這兩個部分也顯示出目前政府的教育政策仍然有不完善的地方。 2.文教基金會對於學校推展教育的幫助上確實有很多貢獻與幫助。文教基金會能補充學校較為不足的部分,替國民小學帶來更豐富的教學資源與更多元化的管道。3.目前在國小與文教基金會合作的決策者還是以校長與主任居多,依次為上級單位、家長會還有老師。 根據上述結論,提出以下建議:建議文教基金會如果想要投入於學校的教育工作,就必須多吸收教育界的人士。例如基本層面的老師,讓更多層面的教育人員都能深入認識文教基金會。 This study focuses mainly on elementary school teachers’ role and function cognition in Culture-Education Foundation (CEF) . While cooperating with Culture-Education Foundation (CEF), will the teachers’ motivation and evaluation be different due to their different backgrounds and school characteristics. This project aims at the elementary school teachers in Chiayi County with the method of questionnaires. Researchers analyze the feedback data with the statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, T test and ANOVA. This study will provide a better understanding of the influence of CEF on various elementary schools. The results of this study are shown as follows:1.Elementary school teachers’ role and function cognition are more likely to “help set up the public welfare” and “involve in education reform.” In addition, “provision of grants” and “supplement of government defect policy” also show that there are still some defects in government education policies.2.CEF definitely contributes a lot of help for schools on practicing education. CEF makes up schools’ insufficient parts and brings richer teaching resources and more diverse methods. 3.Currently in elementary schools, most of those who are making the policies in cooperation with CEF are school principal and directors, and following up are higher-level directors in education department, PTA members and teachers. Based on the above results, the following conclusion are strongly suggested: If CEF tends to put more effort in education, it needs to recruit more people from education field, such as on-the-scene teachers in order to let more educational personnel to know CEF more and better.