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    jsp.display-item.identifier=請使用永久網址來引用或連結此文件: http://nhuir.nhu.edu.tw/handle/987654321/19294

    题名: 國際技術合作人力之研究-以國際合作發展基金會為例
    其它题名: A Study of Manpower in International Technical Cooperation--The International Cooperation and Development Fund(ICDF) as Example
    作者: 石心梅
    Shih, Hsin-mei
    貢獻者: 非營利事業管理研究所
    Jyh-horng Lee
    关键词: 國際援助;有償援助;無償援助;志願服務
    Voluntary Service;Foreign Aid;Loan;Grant
    日期: 2010
    上传时间: 2015-03-12 14:07:47 (UTC+8)
    摘要:   近50年來,台灣在經濟建設蓬勃發展下,逐步朝向經濟自由化、國際化與政治民主化邁進,成功地由農業蛻變為以中小企業及高科技產業為主的新興工業化國家,從原本接受美國及國際組織援助之受援國角色,轉變為提供友好開發中國家協助之援助國。而在我國逐漸邁入新興工業國家之林、名列亞洲四小龍之ㄧ之際,因累積大量外匯存底,為回饋國際社會,因此,對外進行國際援助也成為我國責無旁貸的義務。   自1959年台灣首派農技團前往越南從事農、漁、牧等短期技術協助,我國即開啟了援外先河。隨著政府對友好開發中國家提供各種技術協助及經濟援助之目標日趨專業化,有必要成立一專業獨立機構辦理各項援外業務,政府遂於1996年正式成立「財團法人國際合作發展基金會」(國合會),使援外事務成為一個真正結合資金、技術、人才及人道援助的國際發展合作機構。本研究以國際技術合作之援助方式為探討主軸,技術合作即是無償援助,是為援助國及受援國之間必須透過有計畫性的技術合作方式,順利將援助資源轉化為促進受援國生產或改善生活條件的助力。而推動此方式之技術人員可區分為專家及志工兩種職務,本研究針對數位國合會現任及已卸任之海外志工,就研究者所設計之五項題綱實施訪談    經過文獻歸納法及訪談分析歸納法之研究進行,其所得知研究成果為:一、海外志工透過志願性服務人力之提供,對受援國之技術協助助益為:(一)藉志願服務工作者之知識及技術傳播提升該國國際競爭能力。(二)促進雙邊交流,提升外交關係。二、志工在國際技術合作中所扮演的角色與貢獻為:(一)雙方合作的橋樑及文化的傳播者。(二)對受援國而言提升其社會、文化、經濟實力,培養人才使其自立更生;對援助國而言增進外交關係、培育涉外人才。   由上述之研究結論可賡續之研究建議為:(一)在配合我國整體外交政策及考量資源有限之前題下,我國對外各項國際合作業務,均以具實質合作效益為最優先考量,進而達到配合外交及為當地人民創造財富之目的。(二)志工團體已逐漸與公部門、私部門並駕齊驅,成為國際援助機構高度依賴之人力資源來源。為持續孕育出優質的海外志工,因此,如何創造出具實惠條件以吸引更多國人加入開發援助志工的行列,實為研究國際援助理論範疇中,另一層面頗具探究的議題。
      In the past 50 years, Taiwan has gradually forged ahead to the economic liberalization, internationalization and political democratization accompanied with the economy boom, and has successfully changed its status as a new emerging industrialised country focusing on SMEs and high-technology rather than agriculture, moreover changed from a recipient country which accepted aids from the US and other international organizations, into a donor country which provides foreign aids to the developing countries. As the country has become a new emerging industrialised country and has been nominated as one of the Four Asian Tigers, we are duty-bound to provide foreign aids based on our large foreign exchange reserves, in order to make contributions to the global society.    In 1959, Taiwan created a precedent of the foreign aids that sent the Agricultural Technical Mission to Vietnam for a short-term technical assistance on agriculture, fishery and animal husbandry. As the various technical assistance and economic aids to the developing countries had been increasingly specialized, there was a need to establish a special and individual organization to operate these foreign aids. Based on the administrative regulations, the International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) was founded as an international development and cooperation organization, which enables the foreign aids operations integrate capital, technology, human resources and humanitarian. This research takes the aids of technical cooperation as the core of discussion. Technical cooperation is a kind of grant, which means through well-planed project cycle, the donor country and recipient country successfully change the aid resources to a force of promoting the production and improving the people’s life condition in recipient country, this needs experts and volunteers to carry out the technical assistance. The research interviewed several volunteers who are working or have worked for ICDF’s overseas volunteers program.   By means of the Documentation Induction and the Analysis Induction of the interviews, the results of the research are as follow.I. The overseas volunteers provide voluntary services which benefit the recipient countries as follow:1. to enhance the international competitiveness of the recipient countries with the help of the knowledge and technique of the volunteers;2. to promote the bilateral relations and improve the foreign relations.II. The roles and contributions of the volunteers in the international technical cooperation are:1.the bridge of cooperation and the communicators of the culture;2.enhancing the social, cultural and economic strength of the recipient countries, and promoting foreign relations and fostering foreign-related talent.   There are some suggestions according to the results above.I. Base on the foreign policy and due to the limited resource, all of our international cooperation should take the essential benefits as a priority, aiming to assist the foreign relations and bring fortune to the people of the recipient countries.II. The Volunteer group, neck to neck with the public and private sectors, has become one of the human resource on which the foreign aids organizations highly dependent. In order to foster the best overseas volunteers, we have to further discuss how to create favorable terms to attract more people as overseas volunteers.
    显示于类别:[企業管理學系(管理科學碩/博士班,非營利事業管理碩士班)] 博碩士論文-非營利事業管理碩士班


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