摘要: | 每當提到某些特定的國家或地區的時候,往往會讓人聯想到當地的氣候、文化、自然環境或是特有產業等,當世界各國都在思考與經營城市特色的同時,最快速直接的方式,就是從該地區之自然環境與建築特色中尋找痕跡。 許多國家喜好使用大型建築物做為城市特色與標示,也有些國家以特殊文化或產業打響名號,但將無形的天文地理軸線變為有形標誌建物,再演進為當地特色之案例則較少。 在面臨時代轉換考驗及長期落後貧瘠之促動下,嘉義縣將北回歸線這條無形的天文軸帶,演進為地方優勢與獨特的表徵,並在共存的百年時光中,歷經許多悲歡離合及情感變化,這座曾是地方上重要之觀光地標、精神標竿,在重新被打造後,已躍居為地方明星之要角,並演進為地方發展中之重要元素。 本研究將以紀錄北回歸線地標百年來在嘉義的演進與發展為主要取向,並以文獻分析、個案研究及專家深入訪談等方式,蒐集1908至2008年北回歸線立標以來之變化,探討不同時期之演變為地方所衍生之影響,全文共分五章節進行論述,第一章緒論、第二章為北回歸線與嘉義的特色分析、第三章為北回歸線的意象置入、第四章為北回歸線標之演繹分析、第五章為結論與建議。 經筆者研究發現,以「北回歸線太陽館」為基底所推動的觀光政策中,因縣政府各局處之積極配套推動,而衍生出後續的「北回意象」、「北回產業」、「北回文化」、「北回觀光」及「北回精神」等成效,筆者將以上之發現歸納下列幾點結論與建議:一、 以嘉義北回歸線與世界進行連結,創造地方特有價值與競爭力。二、 嘉義是北回歸線地標演繹最豐富的歷史場域。三、 北回意象發展願景與策略建議。1.持續推動北回意象,深化天文意義與地標功能,加強觀光競爭力。2.融入北回人文精神,以故事行銷撼動人心。3.連結周邊交通,開發地方特有品牌及周邊商品,加強行銷通路與手法,創造經濟效益。 When it comes to specific nation or area, we always connect with the local climate, the culture, the natural environment perhaps the unique industry and so on. However, while some countries consider and manager their city characteristic, it is the best and direct way to look for trace of the natural environment and the building characteristic from those areas. Many countries favor large buildings to outline landmark while some are noted for their specific culture and industry. However, it is rare to transfer invisible astronomical- geography axis into visible landmark building, and then to become a local characteristic. In the presence of epoch transformation and the promotion of long-term backwardness, Chiayi County manages this invisible astronomy axis belt to develop the local superiority and unique feature. With the coexistence of hundred years, repeatedly vicissitudes of life and the emotional change, Chiayi's Tropic of Cancer landmark once was the important sightseeing landmark and spiritual rod. Now it has been developed to be the hot spot and become the vital element in local development. This research takes recording Chiayi's Tropic of Cancer landmark during hundred years of Chiayi's evolution and development as the main orientation. Therefore it searches data from 1908 to 2008 since Chiayi's Tropic of Cancer was established in ways of literature analysis, case study, and in-depth interview, Moreover, it discusses the local effect of different period. The full text divides five chapters to carry on the elaboration, which content the first chapter for introduction, the second chapter for the characteristic analysis of Chiayi and Tropic of Cancer, the third chapter for image setting of Tropic of Cancer, the fourth chapter for the developmental analysis of Tropic of Cancer landmark, and finally the fifth chapter for the conclusion and the suggestion. This study has shown that The effect of "Tropic of Cancer image", "Tropic of Cancer industry"," Tropic of Cancer culture" ," Tropic of Cancer tourism ",and "Tropic of Cancer spirit " is derived from Tourism Policy based on Tropic of Cancer Solar Exploration Center as result of government's active promotion. Above all, the author induce the following several conclusions and suggestion. First, Chiayi's Tropic of Cancer joins the world to create local unique value and the competitive power. Second, Chiayi is the most abundant historical territory during the evolution and development of Tropic of Cancer landmark. Third, the development, vision, strategy and suggestion of the image on tropic of cancer will be proposed as followed:1. To promote the image on Tropic of Cancer continually, to deepen the significance of astronomy and the function of landmark, and to enhance the competitive power of tourism.2. To fit in to humanities spirit of Tropic of Cancer and to affect people by the story marketing.3. To link up the peripheral transportation, to develop the local brand and the associated commodity, to enhance promotion path and the technique, and to create economic efficiency. |