本論文透過政府設立地方文化中心的歷史背景與設立精神,重新思考關於文化生產、現代化發展、地方與場域精神的關係。同時比對台南市立文化中心創立25週年來的發展歷程與活動狀態,發現在全球在地化的當代情境裡,政府應融入在地的傳統價值、貼近在地居民的生活、關心在地歷史與自然的脈絡,才能擴大推廣藝文和永續經營的基礎,並有效連結文化中心、創作者與觀眾,建構獨特的在地文化生產模式和主體性。而充分利用台南市竹溪意象與空間想像的台南市立文化中心,其對原生文化的成功堅持與實踐,或許是最值得期待與參考的座標。 According to the history background and spirit of the district government establishing the local Cultural Center, this research rechecked the cultural creation and modernization, as well as the relationship between place and site. At the meantime, this research compared the 25-year’s development and actions status of Tainan Municipal Cultural Center to find that under the situation of glocalization (Globalization and localization) in current, the Government should integrate the local traditional value, approach the life of the local inhabitants, and concern about the sequence of local history and nature, in order to extend the foundation for the long term development of art and culture, also efficiently integrate the Cultural Center, creators and audiences to establish the unique culture producing model and local subjectivity. However, using the image of the Bamboo Creek in Tainan City and the spatial imagination of Tainan Municipal Cultural Center to successfully and insistently practice the native culture is a significant goal.