本研究透過系統化的教學設計模式,分析西港地區「國小視覺藝術教育」課程的實施狀況,並透過教師需求評估訪談、教學省思紀錄、學習心得調查、學後訪談等,建構「國小社區取向視覺藝術教育」教學方案,並以行動研究法檢視教學方案之成效。本研究之研究目的可分為四大部分:一、調查西港地區「國小視覺藝術教育」課程的實施現況。二、建構「西港國小社區取向視覺藝術教育教學方案」,並進行實際的教學。三、探討上述教學方案在實施過程中所面臨之困境與因應策略。四、評估「西港國小社區取向視覺藝術教育」教學方案行動研究之成效。 根據本研究之結果,提出以下結論:一、「國小社區取向視覺藝術教育」有助於發展學生對社區產生認同感二、「國小社區取向視覺藝術教育」有助於增進學生之環保概念三、「國小社區取向視覺藝術教育」有助於培養學生的耐性、啟發學生的創意四、「國小社區取向視覺藝術教育」可增進學生藝術欣賞、批判與思考之能力五、行動研究的過程提昇研究者良好的專業成長 綜合上述的研究結論,針對社區取向視覺藝術教育、課程設計、課程實施、行政單位、教學者及未來後續研究提出相關建議。 This study is based on a systemized instructional model to analyze the current implementation of elementary school art visual education in the Si-Gang region, Tainan County. It combined interviews exploring teaching needs, reflection journals regarding art instruction, questionnaires surveying students' learning introspection, and follow-up interviews to design the instructional program of "community oriented visual art education for the elementary school level," which was further examined and evaluated through the practice of action research. The purposes of this study include the following four aspects: (1) to explore the current curriculum of "visual art education at Si-Gang Elementary School", (2) to develop and carry out the "community oriented instructional program at Si-Gang Elementary", (3) to discuss problems and solving strategies thereof that emerged from this instructional program, and (4) to evaluate the effectiveness resulting from the action research on the instructional program. In the light of the research result, five conclusions are proposed as followings:(1)"The community oriented visual art education for the elementary school level" helps students identify with the community where they reside.(2)"The community oriented visual art education for the elementary school level" raises student's environment awareness.(3)"The community oriented visual art education for the elementary school level" cultivates student's patience and inspires their creativities to make artworks.(4)"The community oriented visual art education for the elementary school level" promotes students' appreciation of art and competence of critical thinking.(5)Through the process of conducting this action research, the researcher makes progress in her specialties.