摘要: | 文化資產再利用在近年受到極大重視,原因除了有資產保存永續化的思維外,但同時也面臨如何再利用以及發展策略的挑戰。或許鐵道文化資產在相關單位的保護之下暫時免除拆除危機,然而同質化的再利用發展及重硬體輕軟體的策略等等接踵而至的問題,也潛藏利用後再閒置的危機問題。為了深入探索文化資產再利用與發展的策略思考,本研究採用了資源基礎理論(Resource Based Theory)的觀點來對鐵道文化資產的保存與再利用情形進行審視。除了對鐵道藝術網路車站的五個個案包括台中二十號倉庫、新竹鐵道藝術村、嘉義鐵道藝術村、台東鐵道藝術村、枋寮F3藝文特區進行比較外,更以斗南車站為核心個案探討其再利用發展以及做為區域文化觀光資源的永續競爭優勢。本研究採行質性研究的策略,以檔案資料分析、現場觀察為資料蒐集工具,並依Barney (1991)之VRIN(Valuable, Rare, In-imitable, Non-Substitutable)架構針對各站之資源分布情形進行整理。在斗南車站部分則更輔以計畫發展之利害關係人之深度訪談,以求深入探討斗南車站可利用資源之面向。 本文研究結果發現:(一) 斗南車站建築群佔有各項建築實體不可移動之特徵(immobility),站體本身具有歷史文化價值外、同時經由閒置空間再利用賦予科學教育教育場所、綠能展示館、人民故事館、提供常民文化活動集散場所,更可營造倉庫特色並成為斗南新地標(Valuable)。(二) 區域聯結後的場域具備稀少性(Rare),外延觀光景點、周邊人文與產業特色。文化觀光與社會資源整合後有顯著之異質性、不但帶入未來觀光商機,提供新興而且是受歡迎的旅遊模式,同時不易被其他類型車站所取代(不易被取代:Non-Substitutable)。(三) 提升社區發展團隊效能、培植專業導覽員後可凝聚社區人力組織、提昇觀光服務機能,同時降低後續管理成本。(四) 延續鐵道文化資產之價值性、形塑斗南車站自然與人文資源,同時提高各種產業附加價值、創造車站週邊商店效益。(五) 雲林縣政府錄用斗南城鄉發展協員會的建議與在地居民的期望、動員志工團隊管理場域,建立斗南倉庫再利用的完整機制,這種公私合作的模式是其他類型車站不易模仿的。(In-imitable) 本研究對斗南車站環境空間、在地文化保存與經營體系操作運用提供核心資源、核心能力、競爭策略之參考外,繼而提供保留鐵道文化資產、地方文化產業資源、觀光經營配套整合,以期能提供規劃文化資產再利用的文化行政人員、社區參與的專業規劃師、文化資產再利用策略研究者之參考面向。 Reusing the cultural heritage has been emphasized in recent years because of not only the idea of continuing heritage conservation but also the challenge in the development of reusing strategy. Through the efforts of many community organizations the railway cultural heritages survive the crisis of being torn down. There are still other issues emerged such as the indifference in reusing development, too much emphasis on the infrastructural construction than on the soft asset investment, and the sites left unused after conservative projects. This study examines the conservation and the reusing of railway culture heritage from the perspective of Resource Based Theory. In addition to compare the five Village of Railway in Networks including Hsinchu, Taichung, Chiayi, Fangliao, Taitung, this study takes on the project of Dounan Train Station as a case study to discuss the reuse development and to sustained competitive advantage from a tourism resource perspective. This study is a qualitative research and the data was collected through archive records, field observations, in-depth interviews, and questionnaires. The results of this case study were (1) Dounan Train Station has the immovability of architecture which also represents the historically local culture. It provides local communities a place for science education such as the Green Power Gallery and cultural activities such as the Story House. It's now a new landmark in Dounan. (2) After integrated with local attractions, culture and industry, the incorporation of cultural tourism and local industry makes significant difference. It not only brings business opportunities but also provides a new and popular choice for tourists which other stations would find it hard to imitate (3) After improving the efficiency of the team for community development and the recruitment of professional tour guides, the community gathers community members and promotes the service function in tourism which also decreases the cost of management. (4) To maintain the value and impression of Dounan Station both in nature and culture, Yunlin County Government accepts the proposition from Dounan Development Committee to set up the unique in Dounan to satisfy the expectation of the local people. (5) Compare to other station reusing projects, this is first ever cooperation between the government and the local system in Taiwan. An immediate contribution of the research provides reference to people who are working on the strategy of reusing cultural heritage and in the process of revitalizing community. |