二十一世紀女性經濟撐起半邊天,現今單身女性經濟獨立,擁有自己獨特的品味,具有獨特的人生觀與消費價值觀,對於渡假生活型態的選擇有其族群見解。本研究以流行焦慮與渡假生活型態理論建立研究架構,旨在探討單身女性流行焦慮將如何影響其渡假生活型態的選擇,研究對象以單身女性為主,採用滾雪球方式共回收415份有效問卷,經由結構方程模式驗證變項間的影響關係,結果顯示,受訪者對流行所產生焦慮程度的確會影響其渡假生活型態的選擇。 實證分析顯示單身女性具有高流行敏感焦慮者傾向選擇以家庭取向、週末旅遊及社交聯誼者之渡假生活型態;具有高流行安全焦慮者傾向選擇週末旅遊、社交聯誼及享受生活者之渡假生活型態;具有高流行消費壓力者不傾向選擇週末旅遊及社交聯誼者之渡假生活型態。最後根據研究結果,本研究提出相關的建議與未來研究方向,以供產官學各界參考。 In 21st century feminine economy supports half of the world. Nowadays unmarried women are economically independent, so they have special taste, life opinion and expense values, and their choice of vacation lifestyle have its tribal speciality. This research aims to understand the relation between unmarried women's fashion anxiety and vacation lifestyle. This research takes unmarried women as examples, and builds the research construction with vacation lifestyle theory to discuss how the unmarried women's fashion anxiety affects their choices of vacation lifestyle. This research takes unmarried women (over 25 years old) as study samples by using questionnaire survey procedure. 415 effective questionnaires are analyzed with structural equation pattern to know the influences among the variables. In the results we discovered that the fashion anxiety of the participants have influence on their choice of vacation lifestyle. This research shows that unmarried women who have fashion sensitive anxiety tend to choose family orientation, weekend traveling and social activities; women who have fashion safe anxiety tend to choose weekend traveling, social and enjoyable activities. According to the results, this research offers the related suggestion and future study direction as references in other fields.