本研究主要在探討在全面開放陸客來台觀光旅遊後,對台灣遊客的旅遊滿意度、心理體驗及重遊意願之意向。透過在日月潭國家風景區各景點進行問卷施測,實際回收405份有效問卷,有效回收率為84.4%。資料回收經統計分析研究發現:一、到日月潭國家風景區從事旅遊的台灣遊客以青壯年、女性、已婚、中等收入以下、高學歷、服務業及軍公教居多。二、「人行步道設施完善」、「風景區內沿途植栽綠化」、「旅遊路線指標清楚易懂」、「住宿環境良好」、「用餐環境良好」為日月潭國家風景區遊客滿意度體驗各構面中較高的項目。而「停車空間充足」、「景觀視野未受破壞」、「風景區內不會擁擠,塞車」、「住宿價格合宜」、「餐飲價格合宜」、「紀念品,特產銷售人員態度良好」與「參觀導覽動線指標清楚合宜」,則為遊客滿意度體驗各構面中較低的項目。三、遊客滿意度與重遊意願呈正相關,遊客滿意度與心理體驗呈正相關,心理體驗與重遊意願呈現正相關,且均達顯著相關。不同教育程度的遊客在分項滿意度的「住宿」、「餐飲」有顯著的不同;不同職業遊客對分項滿意度「景觀」、「解說」上有顯著的不同。在開放大量陸客來台的影響下,遊客對日月潭國家風景區的體驗感覺,大致還是屬於正向良好的,並傾向再次重遊之意願。 The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between travel satisfactions and revisit willingness of local travelers after mass opening of China tourist in Taiwan. The survey administration was conducted at Sun-Moon Lake National Scenic Area. A number of 405 questionnaires were collected with a return rate of 84.4%. The results indicated that (1) the local travelers were mostly highly educated and engaged in service industry; (2) the local travelers were more satisfied with the environments and in-park directions, but overall prices, traffic, and attitudes of salesman were less satisfied. (3) Travelers' satisfaction was positively related to revisiting willingness; education played a significant role in lodging and food services; occupations played a significant role in view and guide. Overall speaking, local travelers showed positive satisfaction and were willing to revisit after mass opening of China tourists.