摘要: | 本論文主要目的在於探討中華職棒觀眾的涉入程度、滿意度、忠誠度與前往美國觀賞美國大聯盟賽事的運動觀光意願之關係。本研究受試對象為中華職棒賽事現場觀眾,共發放400份問卷,回收有效問卷357份,有效量表回收率為89.25%。並以t考驗、單因子變異數分析、典型相關、重要表現程度分析法(IPA)及結構方程模式等統計方法進行驗證分析,本研究結果如下所述:一、中華職棒觀眾之涉入程度在不同「性別」、「職業」、「婚姻」、「教育程度」及「每週觀看職棒賽事天數」上達顯著差異;且「涉入程度」與「運動觀光意願」有關聯性存在。二、中華職棒觀眾之滿意度在不同「職業」、「婚姻」、「教育程度」、「每月家庭收入」及「每週觀看職棒賽事天數」上達顯著差異;且「滿意度」與「運動觀光意願」有關聯性存在;而中華職棒觀眾之IPA分析顯示,「技能與知識」為其機會,「賽程與行銷」及「設備與服務」則為其弱點。三、中華職棒觀眾之忠誠度在不同「性別」、「職業」、「婚姻」、「教育程度」、「每月家庭收入」及「每週觀看職棒賽事天數」上達顯著差異;且「忠誠度」與「運動觀光意願」有關聯性存在。四、中華職棒觀眾之運動觀光意願在不同「性別」、「職業」、「婚姻」、「教育程度」、「每月家庭收入」、「每週觀看職棒賽事天數」及「最喜愛觀賞球隊」上達顯著差異。五、中華職棒觀眾的運動觀光意願結構方程模式顯示:涉入程度對於滿意度有直接正向的影響關係;涉入程度對於忠誠度有直接正向的影響關係;滿意度對於運動觀光意願有直接正向的影響關係;涉入程度經忠誠度對於運動觀光意願有間接的正向影響關係。 The purposes of this study were to explore the discussion Chinese Professional Baseball League Spectators’ Involvement, Satisfaction, Loyalty and Sport Tourism Desire. The samples were the spectators of the CPBL games. A total of 400 questionnaires were sent out and 357 valid questionnaires were received. The response rate of valid questionnaires was 89.25%. The t-test, one-way ANOVA, canonical analysis, importance-performance analysis (IPA) and SEM were used to analyze the collected date. The findings of this study are stated as follows: first, there were different in sex, occupation, marital status, education and watch the number of days a week in CPBL spectators’ involvement; The significant correlation between Involvement and Sport Tourism Desire is obtained. Second, there were different in occupation, marital status, education, monthly household income and watch the number of days a week in CPBL spectators’ satisfaction; The significant correlation between Satisfaction and Sport Tourism Desire is obtained; By using IPA to analyze spectators’ pre-trip expectation and on-site experience, the results showed the technique and knowledge is the opportunity of CPBL, and the schedule and marketing and facilities and services are the weakness of CPBL. Third, there were different in sex, occupation, marital status, education, monthly household income and watch the number of days a week in CPBL spectators’ loyalty; The significant correlation between Loyalty and Sport Tourism Desire is obtained. Fourth, there were different in sex, occupation, marital status, education, monthly household income, watch the number of days a week and favorite team in CPBL spectators’ sport tourism desire. Fifth, the SEM of CPBL spectators’ sport tourism desire shows that the involvement can affect satisfaction; the involvement can affect loyalty; the satisfaction can affect sport tourism desire; the involvement can indirectly affect the sport tourism desire through the loyalty. |