本研究旨在探討家庭內社會資本與國中學生學業成就間的關係,並比較、釐清家庭內社會資本做為個人及家庭背景變項與學業成就之中介效果。 本研究以中研院「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫(簡稱TEPS)」之國中在學學生與家長問卷為樣本,以線性迴歸系數分析統計方法來進行資料分析。 根據分析結果,本研究主要發現:一、國中女生相對於國中男生有較高的家庭內社會資本。手足數目少的國中學生,其家庭內社會資本較高。居住地區都市化程度愈高的國中學生,家庭內社會資本愈高。社經地位高的家庭,家庭內社會資本顯著高於社經地位低的家庭。就讀私立學校的國中學生,家庭內社會資本高於就讀公立學校的國中學生。二、國中女生的學業成績相對於國中男生有較好的表現。手足數目少之國中學生,其學業成就優於手足數目多之國中學生。居住地區都巿化程度高的國中學生相較於居住地區都巿化程度低的國中學生學業成績較佳。家庭社經地位高的國中學生,學業成就顯著高於家庭社經地位低的國中學生。就讀私立學校的國中學生,學業成就高於就讀公立學校的國中學生。三、家庭社經地位對國中學生的學業成績有直接影響,家庭內社會資本對國中學生的學業成績有直接影響,家庭社經地位對家庭內社會資本有直接影響,家庭社經地位不僅直接影響國中學生學業成就,並間接透過對家庭內社會資本的影響而影響國中學生學習成就。 This research aims to explore the relationship between family social capital and the academic achievement of junior high school students, and includes a comparison and verification on the mediating effect of family social capital on the variables of personal/family socioeconomic background and academic achievement. Samples for this study are derived from the Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS) database published by Academia Sinica, targeting surveys of students currently attending junior high school and the parents. The derived statistics are subjected to a linear regression coefficient analysis. Results of the analysis indicate the following three findings: 1.Female junior high school students have relatively higher family social capital than male students. Junior high school students with less numbers of siblings have higher family social capital. Students living in areas with higher levels of urbanization have higher family social capital. Students from families of higher social status have significantly higher family social capital than those from families of lower social status. Students in private junior high schools have higher family social capital than students in public junior high schools. 2.Female junior high school students have relatively better academic performance than male junior high school students. Students with less numbers of siblings have better academic performance than students with more siblings. Students living in areas with higher levels of urbanization have better academic performance than students living in areas with lower level of urbanization. Junior high school students from families of higher social status have significantly better academic performance than students from families of lower social status. Students in private junior high school have better academic performance than students in public junior high school.3.The factor of family social status has a direct effect on the academic performance of junior high school students. Family social capital has a direct effect on the academic performance of junior high school students. Family social status has a direct effect on family social capital. Family social status has not only a direct effect but also an indirect effect on the academic performance of junior high school students through the influence of family social capital.