自1990年代起,東南亞女性嫁來臺灣的人數大幅成長,為了協助她們降低在臺灣社會面臨的諸多適應問題,政府希望她們參加相關的輔導課程,其中之一為識字班。然而,她們參與識字班的情形並不理想,探索影響她們參與情況的原因,對於理解相關政策的實施成效時必有所助益。本研究以雲林縣一所國小學區內跨國婚姻女性為研究對象,以深入訪談方式,分析影響她們連續、中斷或不參與識字教育的原因。 既有的研究報告指出,新移民受到夫家經濟、交通、家庭等等因素影響而無法參與識字教育,但研究者接觸新移民的兩年中,卻發現影響新移民是否參與識字教育的決定性因素和既有的研究不一致,為了瞭解並探討真正的因素,研究者深入訪談20位新移民,分析新移民夫家的社經地位、新移民在夫家的地位以及新移民來台灣的任務---生育、勞動是否會影響其參與識字教育,分析訪談資料後發現:新移民女性自身的主觀意願具有重要意義。 本研究發現:新移民女性個人學習動機越強者,其學習意願會越高,其學習意願越高者,便會努力排除萬難參與識字教育。反之,若新移民沒有學習動機,或是認為識字教育對其不具有重要價值,就容易放棄或完全不想參加,也就是說,若新移民本身無法意識到學習的重要性,就無法發揮學習的能力。 Since 1990, there are more and more women from south-east Asia getting marriage with Taiwanese. Taiwan government offer many courses for new immigrants to improve their adopting in Taiwan. One of the courses is the literacy education. However, their participation is not good enough. I interview the cross-nation marriage women live in Yunlin County to explore the factors effect their participating in the literacy education. Some researches pointed out that the new immigrants didn't participate in the literacy education because of economics, traffic, and attitude of household. But according to my observing, there seems to be some factors different from these views. In order to understand and explore the reality, I interview 20 new immigrants, analyze the data and find that the new immigrants' aspiration plays important role. If the new immigrants have strong learning motivation, they would try their best participating in the literacy education. Even they had to drop out, they would go back to school to finish their studying later. On the other side, if they don't think the literacy education is important, they would not participate in the education or give it up easily.