隨著網際網路技術與資訊科技無遠弗屆的發展,且由於電腦處理資料的快速、便捷中,網路教學、評量的學習方式,已逐漸形成一種風氣,也是一種節省資源與成本的一種方式。 在教學平台的研究上,目前已有學者研究,將角色扮演遊戲結合動態評量。根據這些的研究發現,角色扮演遊戲結合動態評量,能增進學生的學習興趣,與提升學生學習的動機、增加學生學習的經驗、提升學生整體的知識吸收程度,達到建立長久的學習效果。 基於上述因素,本研究主要藉由角色扮演遊戲結合動態評量的研究,研究設計出教學平台的功能架構,且藉由國小課程的融入,讓教師設計一套角色扮演遊戲。在教學平台功能架構的設計裡,本研究主要以專案管理的「系統開發生命週期」進行教學平台的功能分析、規劃與設計,並根據建構式主義教學和電腦遊戲式學習模式為依據,進行教學平台功能架構的設計。 As the Internet technology with far-reaching information technology development, and data processing as fast and convenient. The online education and assessment of learning have emerged trending, but also are source and cost savings way. The platform for research in teaching, the research scholars have used role-playing game combines dynamic assessment. According to these studies, the role-playing game combines dynamic assessment can increase students interesting on the learning, promote to students motive of learning, increase students experiences, and enhance students over all extend of the absorption on knowledge for establishing long-term learning. Based on the above factors, this study is use by role-playing game combines dynamic assessment of research to design a teaching platform functional architecture, and by the integration into the primary school curriculum to allow teachers to design role-playing game. In the functional structure of the teaching platform design, this study is use the project management of System Development Life Cycle(SDLC) for teaching platform’s analysis, planning and design. According to Constructivist Teaching and Computer Game-Based Learning Model are based on teaching platform function framework for the design.