自九年一貫課程有了資訊教育議題之後,傳統的教學方法已無法滿足現代的學生了。而教師的教學界面亦不再永遠是課本、粉筆跟黑板。隨著軟、硬體的進步,多媒體教具的發展,使得互動式電子白板(Interactive WhiteBoard, IWB)應運而生。IWB為一種互動式的人機介面(Human-Computer Interface),它在教學上的應用不僅突破了在傳統教學上許多的限制,而且開啟了未來教室之門。 為配合嘉義縣98學年度發展中小學優質E化互動教學環境計畫,本文提出以SmoothBoard自由軟體以及Wii Remote硬體來建置IWB,不僅提供教師建置IWB之參考,更能利用它來實現數位化教學環境。再者,透過以Wii Remote建置IWB可以整合包含影片、flash動畫、網際網路、互動式遊戲以及電子書等數位教學資源以輔助教師提高教學效能,進而縮短各校數位環境落差以達均衡。另外,使用低成本的IWB建置E化教學環境,可以解決教育經費捉襟見肘之窘境。 Since the information technology becomes one part of the curricula in Nine-Year Consecutive Compulsory Education, traditional instruction methods seem to be unable to meet the needs of modern students’ learning. With the coming of information era, the development of information technology has provided teachers with some more powerful and useful instructional softwares and hardwares, especially Interactive WhiteBoard (IWB), rather than just textbooks, blackboards, and even some chalks. Using IWB as a Human-Computer Interface tool in class makes traditional instruction methods to be able to have some breakthroughs in its limitations in the near future. To cooperate with the governmental project of Chiayi county, we use the SmoothBoard freeway and Wii Remote (Wiimote) hardware to turn any surface into a low-cost IWB. Also, these devices can digitize the instructional environment for students. Furthermore, IWB can be combined with many Digital Teaching Resources such as videos, flash clips, the Internet, on-line interactive games, electronic books and other forms of resources to promote instructional effect and efficiency. In addition, creating an e-Education environment with low-cost IWB system can resolve the education funding dilemma.