臺灣是個海島形國家,也是充滿人情味的一個寶島,人民對土地和大海都有著濃厚的情感。因而民間信仰中海上的女神~媽祖也有被稱為海上明燈的美名。供奉媽祖的廟宇和數量,在台灣沿海地區都顯而易見,其宗教的發展和衍生出的藝術文化等,現在都成了台灣一年一度的大盛會,甚至於揚名國際「三月瘋媽祖」就是最好的例子。當中媽祖鑾轎的裝飾和雕刻,也都各自表現出每間廟宇信眾信仰和虔誠的表徵,研究中利用文獻調查法探究媽祖信仰起源至各鑾轎造形分析,實地至台灣中部四縣市(台中、彰化、雲林、嘉義)幾大媽祖廟宇進行田野調查,研究分析鑾轎呈現形式上之異同,並探討鑾轎裝飾元素意涵。此外,經由文物保護瞭解一項文物是如何的傳承及維護,使其代代相傳。 Taiwan is an island fulfill with human touch. People have strong feeling toward Taiwan's land and sea,hence the sea goddess , Ma-Zu, becomes civil religion. She is also called "a bright lamp on the sea".The numbers of temple which enshrine and worship MAZU are ealisy found along the coast of Taiwan. The development of religion and its culture of art have become a big festival annually in Taiwan. The festival even becomes famous internationally. "Crazy March with Mazu" is the best example. For every temple,both decoration and artistic craving of Mazu's palankeen display believer's royalty . In the research, we used records to investigate from the origin of Mazu religion to analysis of different styles of sedan chair. We did a field investigation at four counties (Taichung , Changhua, Yunlin and Chiayi) in person. Luan sedan analysis showed similarities and differences between formal and decorative elements of the meaning of Luang sedan. In addition, according to the heritage conservation through how to understand the inheritance and maintenance ,we understand how antiques are passed on and maintained for centuries.