金聖嘆所評點的《水滸傳》具有承先啟後的意義,奠定了他在中國小說批評史上的重要地位。金聖嘆以率性任情的個性在點評、刪改《水滸》,是進行文學再創造。特出之處,對「主觀意識」肯定,其涉及的層面含作者、讀者、評點者,尤其對讀者意識的張揚,值得我們去探討。 他所提出的「才子論」、「因緣生法」、「親動心」等命題,是創作所需之能力;並設身處地分析讀者的接受心理,本篇論文擬就金聖嘆及其所評點的《金批水滸傳》進行探討,並以讀者意識為論文核心,希冀尋求其對此問題的貢獻。 本文主要從五個方面展開論述: 第一章緒論論述研究動機與目的,整理文獻回顧與目前研究現況,對於研究方法與步驟都作了說明。 第二章,通過對處於特殊的地域與時代的文化語境下,對金聖嘆個性思想作外緣研究,了解金聖嘆文學活動與文化背景的關係。 第三、四章論述金聖嘆的小說觀與《金批水滸傳》的表現藝術,他提出「事為文料」與「因文生事」,闡述了小說虛構性,並從小說創作主體、人物性格、情節、敍述語言表達技巧等,來探討金聖嘆對小說美學的關注點。 第五章說明金聖嘆身兼創作者與讀者,指導讀者成為創作者之知音,主體能動去「理會文字」,培養審美能力,提昇欣賞能力。 第六章為結論,歸納出金聖嘆對小說的見解特色與成就,對後代小說評點的影響力,尤其是金聖嘆的創見「讀者意識」。 分析探討其理論思想在拓展當代文學創作與鑑賞均有積極的意義。 As far as the comments regarding to "Tales of the marshes" by Jin Shengtan are concerned, Jin Shengtan's viewpoints not only creates meaningful inspirations toward people but also pave a solid ground for his distinguish achievements in the history of criticism of Chinese novel. Jin Shengtan conducts some literature rebuilding through literature criticism and revising published novel (like revised version of Tales of the marshes) with his passion and earnestness. In respect to Jin Shengtan's viewpoints, the most noticeable feature is the affirmation of subjective sense which is related to author, readers and commentator. Furthermore, Jin Shengtan's assertion about readers' sense of awareness is a worthy subject for studying. Jin Shengtan claims some prerequisites for writing such as talent, loose writing rules and keen sense and he also emphasizes the importance of analyzing readers' acceptance in advance. This thesis is proposed to discuss Jin Shengtan and the book "revised Tales of the marshes" written by him. This thesis will also be focused on readers' sense of awareness looking for obtaining some contribution in this field. This thesis is divided into five aspects to be discussed: Chapter 1 will be used to explain the motivation and purposes of this study, overview all utilized references and needed descriptions about methodologies and steps used in this thesis. Chapter 2: Conducting a survey focused on Jin Shengtan's personality and his thinking for better understanding the interconnections of his literature activities and cultural background. Chapter 3 and chapter 4: describing the Jin Shengtan's viewpoints in novel and writing skills in "revised Tales of the marshes", the fictional characteristics of a novel as well as the subject, personality, scenarios and expressing skills in an invented novel so as to explore Jin Shengtan’s major concerns for a perfect novel. Chapter 5: Special explanations will be given due to Jin Shengtan possessing reader and writer both identities and dedicated explications will lead readers to having an insight into the novel's writer by means of deep reading and accumulated perceiving abilities. Chapter 6 is the conclusion of this thesis : main elements will be Jin Shengtan's special appreciations and achievements in novel, the influences toward follow-on literature criticism and readers' sense of awareness which will be given special emphasis. Jin Shengtan's theories and thinking will also be analyzed and explored because its' constructive contributions to the innovating and criticizing of the contemporary literature.