摘要: | 本研究從消費者的角度出發,探討大學生對於實體及網路書店消費者滿意度之差異及兩者與人口統計變數之間的關係,並了解消費者滿意度是否會影響大學生對於實體及網路書店再次購買的意願,期能幫助書店業者在擬定行銷策略上有參考的依據。 本研究受訪者必須同時具有實體與網路書店購物經驗,並採用網路問卷進行便利抽樣問卷填答,共得503份有效問卷。並以描述性統計分析、t檢定、變異數分析、雪費多重比較分析及Pearson相關係數實施檢定分析。以下為主要分析結果: 女大學生對於網路書店購物經驗滿意度高於男性,女性在網路書店再購意願也高於男性。而年齡越大的學生越重視書店是否包含了應有的服務,實體書店消費者更重視消費者服務。不同婚姻狀況的大學生與此兩種書店的消費行為無關。 大學生在北部及中部地區的實體書店之購物經驗滿意度優於國外之實體書店。北部地區大學生實體書店之再購意願高於東部地區,網路書店則無地區差異。而可支配金額越高之消費者對於實體書店的購物經驗構面要求也越高。 整體來說,網路書店之滿意度平均較高,但再購意願卻是實體書店較高,表示大學生消費者對於實體書店的消費者服務方面還是有某種程度的期望與滿意度,多數人還是傾向在實體書店購買商品,或許其存有網路書店不可取代的地方。 In order to provide reference for bookstore owner to make marketing strategy, this study, from the consumer's point of view, aims to explore 1) the consumer satisfaction between Entity and Internet Bookstores, 2) the relationship between satisfaction and demographic variables, and 3) the factor to affect re-purchase intension. This study applies the Internet to conduct a sample survey, and gets a total of 503 valid questionnaires. The respondents must have shopping experience in both entity and internet bookstore. Implementing descriptive, T-test, ANOVA, Scheffe’s Method, and Pearson correlation coefficient to analyze, and the results are as follows. First, in Internet bookstores, the women’s satisfaction and re-purchase intention is higher than men’s. Second, consumers in entity bookstores tend to place more importance on service. Third, there is no correlation between marital status and consumer behaviors both in entity and internet bookstores. Fourth, undergraduate students in northern and central areas are more satisfied in entity bookstore shopping than in other countries. Fifth, in entity bookstores, the northern students have higher re-purchase intension than eastern students, but there is no difference on internet. Sixth, consumers with higher disposable income tend to have more requests for entity shopping. Generally, Internet bookstores have higher satisfaction in average, but the re-purchase intension is higher in entity bookstores. That shows consumers prefer walking in entity bookstore to shop and this cannot be replaced by Internet. |