二十世紀之後的西方文化發展,可以說是思維文化到視覺文化的轉變,對於視覺和視覺效果的著迷,醞釀出「後現代性」。舉凡週遭之傳遞媒介,無不趨向大量採用圖像之方式。圖文時代的來臨,已是影響人類思維方式、意義追求及價值判斷的革命思潮。繪本之多層次意涵、圖文共構的特質雕琢出其多功能性,實有其根本之思想原點。本研究於文獻探討中,針對各專家之論述,再以西方各思想家之文化思想作理論之歸結。並依此設計問卷,針對台中市小學教師進行繪本教學之現況及對繪本特質認同之調查。 依據資料進行描述性統計及分析後,得出以下之結論:1. 確立繪本具有:圖像傳達藝術性、生活認知性、教育性、視覺與心靈的感受性、刺激想像及創造之功能性、文化性等六大特質。2. 教師使用繪本教學之比例並不普遍,有使用過繪本教學的教師有60.5%;接觸過繪本,但從未使用過繪本教學的教師有28.2%;從未接觸過繪本的教師有11.3%。其中,得心應手使用繪本教學之教師僅佔8.9%。3. 教師實施繪本教學最常遇到的困難與問題及未使用繪本教學的重要因素有:班級人數及課程內容太多;教師工作量大,無多餘心力進行繪本教學;對繪本資訊的掌握不夠充分。 最後根據發現及結論提出建議,供後續研究者參考。 On twenty centuries, the development of western culture has made the transition from the culture of cognitive thinking to a culture of visual learning. By this attraction of visual contact and visual effect, it turns to “late contemporary age”. Most of delivered mediums were trying to use a large number of pictures. This coming text-picture time already affected the way of people’s thinking, the seeking of meaning, and the judgment of value. The multiple echelons of text-picture books and the structures of text-picture books have made them more functional. The study of this research is based on different experts’ theories and then takes western idea-experts’ cultural-thought theory as a conclusion to design a questionnaire for elementary teachers of taichung. After the statistics and analyses, it comes to the following hypothesis:1. To verify that the six functions of text-picture books are: 1) the art of text-picture delivery, 2) the cognitive learning of life, 3) educational, 4) visual and mental experience, 5) to stimulate imagination and creativity, and 6) cultural nature.2. The using of text-picture books through teachers are not so popularly.There are 60.5% of teachers have been using text-picture books; 28.2% of teachers know about the text-picture books but never use them; 11.3% of teachers don’t know about and never use text-picture books; only 8.9% of teachers are familiar with education in text-picture books.3. The problems and the difficulties that cause teachers not to use them as teaching supplies is beause the overload of teacher works, and no adequate of information. Finally, the writer provides some ideas and suggestions as a reference for future researchers’ study.