本研究主旨在探討影響國小教師對數位閱讀使用程度的相關因素,研究目的為希望能提供國內相關出版單位及人員,日後規劃及出版電子出版品的參考。 本研究的母群體為雲林縣公立國小教師,以立意取樣方式發放問卷並進實施測,問卷回收後,共計有效樣本386份。 本研究以自編問卷進行問卷調查法,根據受試教師問卷填答結果,以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、驗證性因素分析、皮爾森相關係數、結構方程式模式等統計方法,進行資料處理分析。 主要結果如下:1.在使用數位閱讀動機取向中,「自我成長」的動機取向最強,「競爭」動機取向最弱。2.不同性別、年齡、畢業學院別、任教學校規模及任教年資的受試者,在數位閱讀動機取向上有顯著差異。3.不同的數位閱讀動機取向對使用數位閱讀程度有顯著的正向影響。4.國小教師對於使用數位閱讀之知覺易用性及知覺有用性,會正向影響其使用態度。5.國小教師對於使用數位閱讀的態度,會正向影響其使用程度。6.國小教師對於使用數位閱讀之知覺易用性會正向影響其知覺有用性。7.影響使用數位閱讀態度之因素中,知覺易用性與知覺有用性相比較之下,知覺易用性對使用數位閱讀態度的影響高於知覺有用性。 This study focuses on exploring factors that affect the level of digital reading in elementary school instructors. The purpose of this research is to provide domestic publishers with reference information for future development and publication of electronic reading materials. The population of interest in this research is the teachers at public elementary schools in YunLin County. Purposeful sampling is used when handing out and implementing questionnaires. After completed questionnaires have been collected, the effective sample size amounts to a total of 386. Main results are as follows:1. Within various motivational orientations for digital reading,“self-growth” is found to be the strongest, while “competition” is found to be the weakest.2. Respondents who differ in gender, age, alma mater, scale of the school they are currently teaching at and the amount of time they have been teaching, are found to have significantly different motivational orientations for digital reading.3. Different motivational orientations for digital reading are found to have a significantand positive effect on the level of digital reading.4. The perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of digital reading in elementaryschool teachers positively affect the teachers’ attitudes towards digital reading.5. The elementary school teachers’ attitudes toward digital reading positively affect their level of digital reading.6. The perceived ease of use of digital reading positively affects the perceived usefulness of digital reading in elementary school teachers.7. Among the factors affecting the attitudes towards digital reading, perceived ease of use has a bigger effect on attitudes towards digital reading than perceived usefulness.