本研究採用質性研究中的深度訪談法蒐集資料,共訪談14位曾經處理過官兵死亡事件的幹部。研究結果發現如下: 一、處理死亡事件經驗的樣貌可歸納以下二個部份,第一部份是處理的經驗,可分爲三階段:第一階段是「死亡事件震撼期」;第二階段為「處理因應複雜期」;第三階段是「處理事後回應期」,第二部份為處理者處理死亡事件前後之生命意義。二、處理死亡事件經驗所蘊涵之生命議題(一)處理者的工作層面處理者是間接的受害者,面臨多層面的挑戰。(二)處理者生命意義的展現死亡事件處理的過程中,處理者展現出生命價值,並從中獲得體悟或懷疑。(三)軍隊組織生命關懷的反思軍隊組織需調整或加強,以落實對家屬及處理幹部的關懷與尊重。 In this study, in-depth interview of the qualitative research method was applied to collect research data.14 military officers were interviewed. The major findings are shown as follows: 1.The index of dealing with death incident experience It can sum up 2 following parts: The first, dealing with death incident experience can organize 3 periods: Shocking period, Complicating handling period, and adjusting period. The second, the meaning of life for the handlers before and after dealing with the death incident.2.Dealing with the life issues that death incident experience contains (1)The handlers' job aspectHandlers are indirect victims because of overwhelmed by the traumatic shocking and facing multiple challenges.(2)The representing of handlers' life meaning Through their dealing procedure, handlers represent the value of life and earn the understanding or suspect.(3)The reflection on army organization's the introspection of the life caring The military organization needs to revise and implement caring for deads' families and handlers.