本論文採取敘事研究方法,藉由白色恐怖受難者與受難者家屬敘說生命歷程,嘗試瞭解台灣白色恐怖時期不當逮捕、判刑的發生,對受難者的生命經驗造成的衝擊與影響,輔以文獻資料,分析受難者經歷苦難後所展現的生命力,探究白色恐怖受難者的生命意義。 本文共分為六個章節,前三章為研究的緒論、文獻與方法,第四章描述研究參與者顏大樹先生以及陳英泰先生的生命歷程及政治壓迫,除了針對兩位因為借書與對社會的關懷被誣控叛亂外,也對兩位研究參與者的生命歷程勾勒出更完整的輪廓。 第五章以研究者的眼光探討兩位白色恐怖受難者的故事核心,研究者冀望能從「生命的客觀質素」與「意義的主觀質素」兩個主題間進一步探究研究參與者「遇難」與「直視苦難」的生命態度,描繪他們如何在白色恐怖遭遇下答覆「生命的質問」,依此在最後提出研究的心得與結論。 In this study, the narrative research is used. Through an description of life story by the people suffering from Taiwan white terror, and their family member the impact and influence made by the social structure behind white terror has been seized; meanwhile, assisted with reference documents, analysis of the suffering experienced by the victims to show the vitality and to explore the meaning of life of victims of white terror. This article is divided into six chapters, the first three chapters for the study of the introduction, reference documents and methods, study participants described in Chapter IV, Mr. Yan Ta Shu's and Mr. Chen Ying tai's life and political oppression, in addition to the two because the borrowed books and for the community Care has been falsely accused rebel control, but also on the lives of the two participants in the course of study outlined a more complete outline of Chapter V in order to explore the researcher's perspective the story of two victims of the core of white terror, the researchers hope to benefit from "the objective element of life" and "the subjective element of meaning" between the two themes of research participants to further explore the "victims" and "look at the suffering" the attitude of life, depicting how they suffered under the answer in the white terror "life's interrogation", and so in the final proposal to examine the experience and conclusions.