國內證基會於2003年開始實施資訊揭露評鑑系統,由過去實證結果發現,資訊揭露評鑑系統實施後有助於降低企業盈餘管理行為。 本研究首先以2006年及2007年資訊揭露評鑑結果為對象,探討資訊揭露透明度是否具有資訊內涵。另一目的是探討資訊揭露較透明之公司,盈餘管理幅度是否較低。 結果發現,不同產業別其資訊揭露透明度與盈餘管理有顯著差異;是否為集團企業、管理者持股比率、機構投資人持股比率、大股東持股比率、是否獨立董事、是否董事長兼總經理則與盈餘管理呈顯著的負向關係,公司治理與資訊揭露透明度呈顯著的正向關係,資訊揭露透明度與盈餘管理呈顯著的負向關係。 Taiwan Securities and Futures Institute (SFI) began to implement the Information Disclosure and Transparency Ranking System (IDTRS) in Taiwan in 2003. Since then past studies shown have that the application of IDTRS can reduce earnings management methods of enterprises. First, we have used the results of ITDRS in 2006 & 2007 to examine the effects of information transparency on the informativeness of earnings. Next, we looked into whether the higher the degree of the corporate disclosure transparency will reduce the possibilities of the earning manipulation, since there is less information level between the investors and the corporate manager. The empirical results show the relationship between information disclosure and earnings management is significantly different between industries.The “conglomerates”, the “big stockholders’ holdings”, the “institutional investor holdings” , Whether the directors having independent roles , the “managers’ holdings”and If the chairman of a board and CEO are the same have a significant negative relationship with earnings management. The corporate governance have a significant positive relationship with information disclosure transparency. The information disclosure transparency have a significant negative relationship with earnings management.