本研究是針對臨床護士進行睡眠品質調查,以問卷調查探討護理人員睡眠品質之影響因素。共發出問卷150份,回收率為100%,有效問卷128份,有效問卷回收率為84.7%。睡眠品質以匹茲堡睡眠量表(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PSQI) 測量,結果得知護士睡眠品質不佳者達54.0%,入眠需時30分以上的人佔20.3%,睡眠時間平均6.4±1.5小時,而睡眠未達7小時以上的人佔51.6%。 護理人員睡眠品質與健康失調之狀況有顯著相關性(P=0.001),健康失調得分愈高睡眠品質愈差。睡眠品質與睡眠干擾影響有顯著相關性(P<0.001)得分愈高睡眠品質愈差。睡眠品質與改善策略使用有顯著相關性(P=0.039),得分愈高睡眠品質愈差。睡眠品質與三班輪班亦有顯著相關性(P=0.002)。經由迴歸分析檢測得知睡眠品質影響之因素為入睡困難(P<0.001)、健康失調得分(P<0.001)、服用安眠藥(P=0.014)及倦怠頭昏(P=0.023)。 The objective of this research was to evaluate the sleeping quality of nurses and to investigate factors associated with their sleeping quality. One-hundred fifty questionnaires were sent to nurses. The response rate was 100%. Of those, 128 contained complete responses to the questions. Sleeping quality was measured using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Results indicated that 54.0% of nurses reported poor sleep quality and 20.3% required more than 30 minutes to fall asleep. The mean duration of sleep was 6.4 hours±1.5 hours. In addition, 51.6% of the nurses sleep less than 7 hours per day. Worse sleeping quality of nurses was significantly correlated to worse health disorder (P=0.001), increased sleeping disturbance (P<0.001), increased usage of sleeping improvement strategy (P=0.039), and those working in shifts (P=0.002). Results from multiple linear regression analysis found that difficult in falling asleep (P<0.001), presence of health disorders (P<0.001), usage of sleeping pills (P=0.014), and tiredness (P=0.023) were associated with sleeping quality in nurses.