二十一世紀的世界是一個公民社會概念、公益概念盛行,非營利、非政府組織、公益團體蓬勃發展的時代。教育應跟隨現代的思潮成長,並回應社會的價值。所以,學校課程更應該傳遞適切的「公益概念」。九年一貫課程從2001年開始逐年實施,教科書也全面開放民間出版,其主要精神就是逐步朝非集中化與課程鬆綁的結構調整,強調課程的一貫性與統整性。 本研究旨在了解九年一貫國小社會學習領域教科書中公益概念之教材內容的內涵。運用內容分析法針對南一、康軒、翰林版的社會領域教科書的公益概念教育內容進行量化分析,並對教科書內容文字與圖片做質化的分析,主要探討的重點有:(一)瞭解不同版本各冊別之國民小學社會學習領域教科書中,公益概念教育內容的數量與分佈情形;(二)比較不同版本各冊別之國民小學社會學習領域教科書,公益概念教育內容在認知、情意、技能三個層面分佈情形及內涵的差異;(三)分析不同版本各冊別之國民小學社會學習領域教科書公益概念教育文字與圖表內容呈現的方式。 歸納本研究之研究結果,主要有以下幾項結論及發現:一、在三個版本社會學習領域教材中,「認知層面」是公益概念教 育內容中最受重視的部分。在三個版本第一∼八冊中,公益教育內容認知、情意、技能三個層面主類目,在一∼八冊中分布並不均勻。二、在三個版本中,次類目「公益的分類」是公益概念教育內容中呈現的數量最多。「公益的本質與特徵」、「公益概念歷史演進與發展」呈現內容最少。三、非營利組織的學習內容在三個版本公益概念學習內容佔有重要的部分。非營利組織在三個版本的呈現以「認知層面」所佔比例最高。四、三個版本教材皆充分運用圖表的輔助功能。圖表在教材中的作用主要在促進理解,其具體功能為:加強印象、舉例說明、重點歸納、提供情境。 21 century is an era which the concepts of civil society, public benefit, and non-profit, non-governmental and public-spirited groups prevail. Education should be improved with the ideological trend of the era and correspond to the value of the society. This research adopts the content analysis in view of Nani, Kang Hsuan and Han Lin social domain textbook's with public benefit concept and makes the electron particle materialization to the textbook content writing, the picture and the analysis. According to the results of the research, I have the following conclusions:First, in the three versions of social studies fields “cognition “is the one we pay much attention to among the public-spirited concept education. From Book 1 to Book 8, the three versions of the public benefit contents about cognition, affection and skill are not dispersed equally. Second, among the three versions, “the public benefit classification” presents the most amounts in public benefit concept education content. While “The essence and characteristic of public benefit”, and “The public benefit evolution of the concept history and development” are at the least. Third, the learning content of non-profit organization plays an important part in the three version concept learning contents. The non-profit organization on the “cognition level" has the highest ratio in those three versions. Fourth, these three versions use a lot of charts and pictures to support the teaching. Charts and pictures mainly help students understand the new lesson.