近年來,台灣地區非營利組織蓬勃發展,無論在數量上或在社會影響力都有顯著地成長。由於非營利組織的蓬勃發展,社會需求超越了社會資源的成長速度,非營利組織開始面對一個頗具規模的競爭性市場,加上經濟不景氣與政府政策的改變,使得非營利組織陷入財務日漸緊縮,與民眾對公共事務與社會服務需求日增的雙重困境。 針對非營利組織內部組織,其本身的結構鬆散,資金來源與人力資源不甚穩定,管理能力不足,而且缺乏專業人士管理組織的運作及規畫未來的發展,是非營利組長久以來的問題。因此要如何改善組織結構、調整組織與財務管理策略、加強經營效率與效益、強化組織提升競爭力,以發展獨立自主與永續經營的條件與能力,成為非營利組織的重大課題。 本研究是以資料分析與深度訪談方式,來了解非營利組織產業化、公益創投與社會企業的模式與方法。分析社會企業與公益創投事業管理模式,其主要精神與做法,在於資源的運用,價值的創造與策略管理的經營,對於非營利組織管理與資源開發有其正面的意義。 從文獻中發現,公益創投與社會企業雖是新名詞,但嚴格來說並不是完全新的概念與做法,將與訪談個案經營管理與實務運作的模式加以對照之後,發現其業務與行為,多少反映了公益創投與社會企業的模式,但對於實施產業化之後所面臨的經營層面與產業競爭的問題,如專業能力與素養、經營知識、產品行銷、市場脈動的掌握與實務經驗等,確實有待加強。 Either in terms of numbers or influences, we have witnessed a rapidly growing in nonprofit organizations. As the blossoming development of the non-profits, the social resource is over taken by the needs. It causes the non-profits start to confront to the competitive market and they are caught in the increasing social services and financial lacking problems for the recession and government policy modification (welfare budget deducted and interest dropped) in the same time. To improve financial structures and to create efficient methods in management so as to reach sustainable growth are the goals of this research for non-profit organizations facing industrialization. Therefore, how to make rules and standard, how to improve a suitable function in venture philanthropy and reinforce our social enterprise are the questions needed to be studied completely. We adopt in this research the ways of analyzing literatures and interview profundity to understand the patterns and methods of non-profit organization (NPO) in the face of industrialization, venture philanthropy and social enterprise. This study would expect to learn the practices of both venture philanthropy and social enterprise. As learned from the reference, venture philanthropy and social enterprise are not exactly brand new model or method, even though they are new names in the non-profit field. From the interview of this study, shows the existing commercialized ways of non-profits in Taiwan are similar to the practice of venture philanthropy and social enterprise. Therefore, the following topics will be how to fund and support NPO in developing the suitable venture philanthropy, strengthen the established social enterprise, thus, the NPO’s can extend impacts and service scales accordingly.