瑞士公民投票之議題多元化,因而舉行過度頻繁,使得人民彈性疲乏,這種現象顯示出瑞士民主弱化,不僅人民參與政治意願不高,參與投票率亦逐漸下滑。由於瑞士直接民主歷史悠久,人民對於政治的信任相當堅固,但是直接民主之阻礙問題逐漸浮現檯面。然而瑞士於二○○二年實行新政策-衍生電子投票,此目的希望利用網際網路之便利性幫助人民快速完成投票過程,解決人民對於公民投票之頻繁困擾,改善投票率下滑之問題。本文中電子投票之系統介紹,其中發現電子投票優缺點都將會影響人民選擇電子投票之看法,電子投票之優點是為人民可以節省時間在家或工作地點進行投票,不會因被時間或地點所限制而放棄投票權;而電子投票之缺點是人民對於網路之風險有所擔心和疑問例如駭客竊取資料等問題,這些問題則都在安全風險方面之考量範圍,政府將會慎重規劃系統設備使得風險降至最小。本文主要是針對電子投票之發展作為研究,分析電子投票之可行性和人民對於電子投票之接受度和看法,最後評估電子投票之價值。 The topic of referendum had been diversified in Switzerland, people felt tired because of frequently came off which revealed that weakened democracy in Switzerland. Peoples’ willing for participating politics was not high, and also decreased peoples’ willing to cast a vote. Because of long history of direct democracy in Swiss, people trust politics firmly; on the contrary, there are problems revealed of direct democracy. In 2002, Switzerland’s government pushed the new policy of E-voting, the objective was aimed to solve the problems and help people vote fast and efficiently and further to improve the willing to cast a vote. This thesis is focused on the introduction of E-voting, and the advantage and disadvantage of E-voting. In this thesis, it will analyze the feasibility of the development on E-voting and how Swiss people thinking about E-voting and finally the value of E-voting.