政治過程是行為者在結構中一系列活動產出的過程,政策合法化是行為者活動的場域之一,行為者就利益之所趨,在特定結構下與其他行為者進行互動,對結構進行修正或轉化為最後結果的產出。 我國的菸害防制法修正案為行為者架構了一個平台,行政機關、立法委員、反菸團體與菸商團體為使各自的利益成為菸害防制法修正案最後的產出,過程中不斷尋找利益相同或可共存的其他夥伴,與其產生正向的、互助的聯繫。同時也不斷排除利益相悖的其他行為者,形成負向的、對立的關係。各行為者的主要目的就是在試圖增進自己的利益,並影響結果。 經行為者交互影響後,菸害防制新法成為多方互動與議價協商而產生的結果,這表示行為者對於己身的目的或利益,在可預期的範圍內已有較滿意的收獲或可接受的損失,是為產出項的預期結果。然合法化過程中摻雜許多政治不確定性與權力的消長,行為者也可能獲得非預期的結果,而非預期的結果也有可能是收獲或損失。 By political process I mean sequential activities that different actors exercise in a given context. A policy legitimization is one of the fields offering competitions for actors to join actively. Actors, to their interest, make a change or conversion to make a given structure to be an output of expected results where they interact with others. Tobacco Hazard Prevention and Control Act has been established as a platform for administrative, lawmakers, anti-tobacco groups and other tobacco industrial representatives. Those actors all expected to benefit from the results of the amendment, that’s why they seek a link which could help them come to be partners and meet their own interests. On the other hand, a negative link could also be formed as opposite relationships, that is, those actors will try to exclude each other to preserve their own interests. Therefore, each actor could maximize their interests as large as possible. The amended Act of Tobacco Hazard Prevention and Control has become a result stemming from multilateral interactions, bargaining and negotiations after many actors compete for influences upon it. It indicates that achieved results satisfying actors’ intentions or interests within their expectations shall be seen as estimated gains or losses. Consequently, those gains or losses are outputs as they expect. However, results may not always meet actors’ expectations when political uncertainties and power relationships enter into the process of a policy legitimization.