解嚴後的台灣,由於社經環境的快速變遷,人們開始享受物質上的品質提昇,此外也逐漸重視生活上的心靈層面,因此文教基金會於此後開始蓬勃發展,時至今日,以各種名目的文教基金會逐年增加。 然而,為非營利組織之文教基金會,對於基金會中所主導之文化活動項目,無論自活動之籌備、聯繫、完成,非一人之手可及,需仰賴大量人力、物資及經費的援助。因此,每每遇到活動的舉辦,基金會便需四處籌募需要的資源項。故文教基金會透過活動之舉辦,可直接或間接地與基金會之外的團體或個人接觸,從中尋求資源的提供,在這往來之中,即形成互動的網絡資源關係。 本研究依據個案研究,採用多個案研究設計,收集個案之事實資料並進行深度訪談。以文教基金會之組織歷程發展為基底,探究文教基金會之「組織既存資源條件」、「社區潛在可動員資源條件」,透過兩部份之資源條件的連結,建構資源連結之模式。 經個案比較、歸納並解析出三種資源連結模式:(1)「積極延伸型」模式。(2)「資源機動型」模式。(3)「資源自主型」模式。 Rescinds martial law after the Taiwan, with the rapid improvement of social and economic circumstances, people tend to pursue the quality of life either materially or spiritually. Culture and education foundations thus play an important role for modern people by offering better opportunities in contemporary society. It is the reason that diverse foundations have flourished. Until now, foundations with different missions increase year by year. However, culture and education foundations, which as non-profit organizations, depend largely on labor, material and financial support in order to ensure the preparation of programs including contact details and goal achievement. Thus, raising funds is the main concern when foundations decide to hold activities. One of the resolutions is to search for help from people outside the foundation itself in an either official or informal way. This sort of contact is the basis of forming interactive network relationships. On the basis of case study methods, this project adopts multiple instances, collecting the first-hand data and conducting in-depth interviews. According to organizational historical development of culture and education foundations, this work explores “the existing resources of organizations” and “potential resources in local community” in order to induce models of approaching resources. By comparing subjects and analyzing their individual cases, this work generalizes three sorts of culture and education foundations with the ways of collecting funds. The first kind of foundations passively seeks any potential sponsors for oncoming activities; the second kind of foundations considers and finds financial support by soliciting the sponsors related largely to the projects which the foundations are planning. For the third model of foundations, the outlay of starting a project comes mainly from its self-provided budget which may originate from different public sectors.