摘要: | 在這個資訊爆炸的時代裡,有許多管道可以讓人擷取所需要的知識;「雜誌」是目前日常生活中不可或缺的訊息來源之一,而雜誌的發行量更是選擇的指標。但是,在眾多管道中為何會是它如此受到歡迎?主要是因為它不需要複雜的技術或如電視、廣播的機械設備支援,就可以在不受地形、位置的條件限制中,就可以讓讀者閱讀、聆聽,傳遞者所傳播的某種訊息。 許多登山者對於資訊的交流都是透過雜誌來流通,不管是登山該注意的事項,像是山的位置、百岳的訊息,或是各式各樣登山的活動,這些包羅萬象的內容都在台灣第一本的專門登山雜誌--《台灣山岳》。利用內容分析以及問卷調查進行研究,內容分析法乃使用1994-2007台灣山岳雜誌進行分析,而問卷調查則以長期閱讀之讀者為研究對象,所得結果如下: 台灣山岳雜誌於改版前出版的內容較具專業性,內容報導較為深入,由專業登山者的角度出發,剖析的方向較為深入,一般對登山尚無概念之民眾閱讀起來較具困難度。改版後的台灣山岳雜誌為配合週休二日的實施,及一般民眾對於登山的需求,將雜誌內容調整為注重廣度,而非深度,使內容更具豐富性,加上科技不斷翻新,配合最新導航系統,台灣山岳雜誌也提出不同的報導及建議,可見雜誌內容也更加多元化,配合週休二日的實施,台灣山岳雜誌介紹許多適合閣家出遊的登山步道及活動,使內容更適合一般社會大眾閱讀。 有關讀者型態可看出所有項目中讀者年齡並沒有明顯差異,教育程度也僅有在裝備器材上具差異,其他如性別、職業、婚姻等,皆可看出些微差異。因此可說,台灣山岳雜誌的讀者群相當廣泛,各年齡、各教育程度者都有,可見登山者的年齡分佈相當平均,不論老少都可從事。另就性別來看,由於男女對登山所在意的焦點不同,因此產生部份的差異。至於職業及婚姻狀況,推論因直接影響登山者之經濟能力,因此在其著重的部份亦產生不同差異性。 In the age abounding with information, people retrieve knowledge through different source;for sure, magazines are the one of the essential search tools in our daily life, and especially the pointer of their sales volume can be selected. But why could magazines be so popular? The main reason is that magazines make readers read at everywhere and everytime without any support by commercials. Most of the mountain climbers acquire information about the location, the messages and the activities of these famous mountains from this professional magazine for mountain climbing-Taiwan Mountain. This study analyzed the content of “Taiwan Mountain Magazine”from 1994-2007 by content analysis and questionnaires. The long-term readers are as the research objectives through questionnaires. There are key success factors as follows: Before Taiwan Mountains Magazine was edited, its content is more profeesional. experienced mountain climbers canvassed the debate thoroughly, so it is demanding for the readers who have any concepts about climbing. After edited, it consider the two-day-off per week policy and the common need for the public;therefore, the content is focus on the breadth and enrichful but not profound. Nowadays, technology is an essential helper, different reports and suggestions are coupled with Global Positioning System; hence, it seems to be more diverse. In addition, because it contains the activities and mountain resort for the two-day weekend, it is so favorable for the common readers. According to all of these items, there isn’ t any obvious difference about the readers’ sites, but a little difference about the gender、occupation and marriage; especially, the levels of education has something to do with the accouterment. According to the data, the widespread readers of Taiwan Mountains Magazine are from any age and background of education. Specifically, there is also some difference arose between the gender gap. Besides, it is deduced that the occupation and marriage influence the climbers’ expense ability;hence, there is significant difference that we focus on. |