由於網際網路技術和應用的迅速發展,網路購物已經成為一種普遍的消費管道。由利用網際網路技術,網路書店開發了許多個人化的服務,譬如提供相關的書籍資訊降低了許多搜尋成本的費用,如何研擬差異化服務和市場行銷策略,為主要消費者的消費行為選擇與忠誠度選擇的方向考量,如何提供差異化服務與行銷策略的應用也成為網路書店業者的一大考驗。本研究目的有三:第一為尋找出影響網路書店服務品質的影響構面因素有哪些;第二是利用重要-表現程度分析法尋找出服務品質之重要度與消費者滿意度間的關係;第三是利用尖點劇變模型於電子商務中的網路書店消費者之消費行為與忠誠度選擇,以作為如何維持消費者之忠誠度策略實施方向參考。 經由網路發放問卷總共回收771份問卷,其問卷資料主要將作為尖點劇變之策略推導的分析要素與影響服務品質的構面分析中,其次將利用重要-表現程度分析法,以了解網路書店所提供之服務在於消費者期望與業者的服務績效為何。經由IPA分析結果可供網路書店管理人員作為維護保持網路書店服務品質之參考(如:搜索引擎和物流…等服務品質)。最後在劇變模型方面其結果做為網路書店服務品質與消費者之顧客忠誠度與消費行為的選擇推導參考。 Due to the rapid development of the Internet technologies and applications, online stores emerge as a popular retail channel. By taking the advantages of the Internet technology, the online bookstores developed personalized services, such as providing information for making transaction decision which lowers the consuming cost, fastens the customer loyalty, and creates competitiveness. Due to the difficulty for online bookstore to make difference on the online shopping services, the customer loyalty has become an important issue for marketing practitioners. This paper had two aims: one is to examine what are the factors influencing the service quality of online bookstore; the other is to describe a way in which a cusp catastrophe model is used to develop a loyalty strategy for online bookstore choice behavior in the EC market. Drawing upon a sample of 771 users of online bookstore and working within the framework of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), this study examines the relationships among the online bookstore of service quality and their factors. Secondly, this study used importance-performance analysis (IPA) to discuss the relations of level of customers' expected online bookstore of service quality and level of customers' perceived online bookstore of service quality. Importance-performance analysis indicates that manager of online bookstore should maintain the advantage of online bookstore of service quality (ex: search engine and logistics service quality), and put the focus in the content of books. Finally, a catastrophe model of customers, is used to analyze the linkages between online bookstore of service quality and transaction cost on online shoppers' loyalty.