本研究主要探討越南新住民家庭父親的父職經驗,研究對象為我國與越南籍之新住民女性辦理結婚登記的男子,其家中第一個孩子正值學齡階段,透過半結構式訪談,訪談六位受訪者。研究過程採用詮釋現象學方法論,以主題分析法進行文本分析,歸納整理出越南新住民家庭的父親從孩子出生到小學階段的父職經驗,以「孩子入小學」做為時間切分點,分別切分出「孩子學齡前階段的父職經驗」與「孩子學齡階段的父職經驗」。前者以二個主題來詮釋:1.情緒與生活角色適應需調適;2.管教上的文化差異衝突需面對。「孩子學齡階段的父職經驗」透過三個主題來詮釋:1.養家與孩子課業的責任需兼顧;2.父扮黑臉母扮白臉管教成互補;3.不要變壞自由發展父親心期待。其詮釋分析主要結果有二,一為:越南新住民家庭父親在孩子學齡前階段受到「經濟因素」與「父權思想」的影響,展現的父職角色為傳統中國父親形象。二為越南新住民家庭父親在孩子學齡階段受到「妻子文化因素」的影響,被迫發展出新好男人的形象。並基於研究結果提出具體之建議。 The purpose of the study is to explore the lived experiences Taiwanese fathers who married Vietnamese women and have children under twelve years old..Semi-structured interviews were utilized to collect data from six research participants Hermeneutic phenomenology underpined this study and thematic analysis was used to analze research data. The results showed that the lived experiences of these fathers concentrated on five theme which could be divided into two stages: before and after children enter elementary schools. The results also showed that due to patriarchy ideology and financial constraints, the fathers displayed a traditional father image before children entered elementary schools. However, after children entered elementary schools, the fathers demonstrated an ideal good father image because of the mothers’ Vietnamese background. A discussion of parent practice is also suggested.