本研究探討以實務鋼結構業所面臨的供需情況,針對鋼結構業需求面的市場需求、認知需求,以及供給面的庫存,藉由期望物料庫存量、期望物料使用量、承載密度、產業新增需求量、指標、供應商等因素的交互影響並將庫存、市場需求、認知需求加以探討。藉由Vensim軟體將此一複雜且符合實際鋼結構業交易市場的問題加以系統模式的建構,使得實務的鋼結構業交易市場情境得以進行動態模擬。 本研究模擬結果發現庫存與認知需求有著負向的關係。當認知需求快速增加時,庫存量有下降的趨勢出現。再者本研究已成功地將長期以來對鋼結構市場僅限於在靜態探討的情況推廣到動態探討的層次。本研究乃運用Vensim套裝軟體進行模式建構與動態模擬,因此本研究具有高度的重現特性,亦即當參數臨時發生改變時,只要將其系統輸入參數加以修改就可輕易地模擬系統的行為並可與未發生改變前進行分析比較,以評估總體改變的優劣。有鑑於此,本研究對鋼結構業市場而言,著實提供一有價值的決策工具。 This study mainly investigate the supply/demand aspect for the steel structure industry market focusing on the market demand, the perceptual demand, the inventory, the desired material inventory, the desired material usage rate, the loading density, the newer industry demand, the index, and the provider. The systems dynamic model is built by Vensim software to practically simulate such a complicated steel structure industry market. The simulated results show that the inventory exists a positive relationship with the perceptual demand, and when the perceptual demand quickly increases, the inventory will fall down. In addition, this work successfully extends the static research to the dynamic for making the study more close to reality. In summary, this study owns a repeated characteristic because its simulation procedure is conducted by packaged academic software. Actually, this study can be regarded as a valuable decision support tool because it can easily duplicate to solve other cases by changing its input parameters only.