摘要: | 背景:巴金森氏症(Parkinson’s Disease, PD)是僅次於阿茲海默症的老年人常見的神經退化性疾病之一,在65歲以上人口發生率約1%。主要由於中腦的黑質多巴胺神經細胞退化而造成,臨床症狀以震顫、僵硬、動作遲緩及姿態不穩為主。近年研究顯示PD可能與人體氧化壓力(Oxidative Stress)與神經免疫細胞炎症反應(Neuro-inflammation)所導致神經傷害有關,且PD病人血中抗氧化酵素Superoxide Dismutase(SOD)、Glutathione Peroxidase(GSHPx)及總抗氧化狀況(Total Antioxidant Status, TAS)均較非巴金森氏症病人低。因此,透過富含多種天然成分的保健食品如怡-123®,增加人體抗氧化與免疫能力進而調整神經免疫細胞功能,對減緩巴金森氏症病程不啻為一具有價值的研究方向。 方法:臨床症狀符合,且腦影像檢查診斷確定巴金森氏症的病人,除延續臨床用藥外,並開始增加服用如怡-123®連續六週,並分別於服用前、服用後第二、四、六週及停止服用後二週,運用巴金森氏症衡量表及簡易智能量表評估其臨床變化,共計八週。結果: 10位巴金森氏症病人(5位男性、5位女性),平均年齡63.7歲、平均罹病時間6.7年、侯葉指標平均為2.7級、左多巴(Levodopa)平均劑量為480.0 mg/day。UPDRS總分在第二週、第四週、第六週具有顯著差異。在UPDRS分項結果在第一部分與第四部分中具有顯著差異。八週期間並未出現副作用。 結論:如怡-123®對巴金森氏症病人具有潛在輔助效益,尤其是在情緒、智能、行為與治療併發症的部分,值得進一步投入研究資源進行隨機、雙盲、對照的研究,以再次驗證結果並確認其成分組成對巴金森氏症產生作用的部位與機制。 Background: Except for Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease (PD) is the most common neurodegenrative disease affecting 1% of the population above 65 years old. PD is characterized by progressive and selective degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc), which results in movement dysfunctions. Its cardinal clinical symptoms include rest tremor, rigidity, slowness of movement and disturbances in balance. Accumulating evidences support the notion that neuro-inflammation is involved in the pathogenesis of PD. EASE-123® is a food supplement made of various kinds of natural ingredients. Most of the ingredients have been proven good for health through antioxidative effect and immune modulation. Methods: We designed an open-labeled clinical trial to evaluate if EASE-123® is able to alleviate clinical symptoms of patients with PD. All the patients have had typical clinical PD features and have received a complete study including brain imagings, such as brain MRI scans and cerebral ⁹⁹mTc-TRODAT-1 SPECT. Experimentally, the patients were under the treatment of EASE-123® for successive 6 weeks. The subjects underwent evaluations with Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), respectively before EASE-123® treatment, at the 2nd, 4th and 6th week during treatment, as well as the 2nd week post-treatment.Results: Ten PD patients, 5 males and 5 females, were recruited. The total UPDRS score was significantly reduced during the treatment period. Synergistic effects were found in two parts of the UPDRS evaluation: part I (mentation, behavior, and mood) and part IV (complication). More than half of the subjects benefited in the prolongation of on-time, the reduction of off-time and the alleviation of side effects. Conclusions: From our primitive data, food supplement, EASE-123®, was helpful to improve clinical symptoms of PD patients, though the underlying mechanism remained unclear. These results should be considered preliminary until confirmed by a further study. |