朴子原為全台刺繡中心之一,2000年時由於政府部門的一鄉鎮一產業和閒置空間再利用的政策,加上社區逐漸重視地方文化產業等因素,設立「嘉義縣刺繡文化學會」、「刺繡文化館」,以作為落實刺繡產業永續經營之推手。 但地方特色產業有些因製程改變或標準化,擴大經營規模;有些則因產業與原有的地域關係漸漸消除,或因創意不足而日趨沒落。而地方文化館的營運失敗,可能讓外觀美輪美奐的展館和設施變成蚊子館。所以地方文化館之經營管理,往公私協力發展,整合政府與地方的力量,突破面臨經費及人員方面之困境,以圖永續經營之計。 本研究以公私協力理論為基礎,選定朴子刺繡館為個案,了解地方政府在推展文建會地方文化館政策時,與其他各相關組織協力的發展現況、互動情形以及在整體產業發展中的角色功能。在研究方法上,本研究屬於質性研究中的個案研究法,採用文獻探討、深度訪談等研究工具進行操作。首先分別針對公私協力、地方文化館計畫與文化創意產業進行文獻回顧,接下來經由相關資料分析,以及安排利害關係人的深度訪談,將資料加以探討、歸納後產生結論與相關建議。 經由個案檢證後發現,推動文化創意產業的過程中,公私部門均扮演關鍵角色。民間部門是文化產業發展的實質運轉主體,而公部門在資源運用方面,掌握有公權力及資源,彼此須要適當的安排與分工。為使地朴子傳統刺繡文化做為地方永續發展的目標,研究者提出下列幾點建議:公部門對私部門積極輔導、培訓公部門的負責執行與經驗傳承的人才、引入社造精神並整合各項資源、提昇繡品的品質及其附加價值、籌募刺繡學會基金等,提供朴子市公所及刺繡學會作為政策制定及經營管理之參考。 Pu-zi Township was originally a center of the Taiwanese embroidery industry. In the year 2000, the government introduced a policy of “one township one industry” and encouraged “the re-use of unused space”. At the same time there arose a growing awareness among the local community of the importance of culture industry. Thus the Chia-yi County Embroidery Society and the Embroidery museum were founded to stimulate the growth of the embroidery industry. This study is based on a theory of cooperation between the government and the local community and uses the Pu-zi Embroidery Museum as a case study. The purpose of this study is to understand the range of cooperation and interaction between local government and other related organizations involved in promoting the local museums project as well as the nature of their relationship during the development of the entire industry. Based on the evidence of this case study the author has concluded that both the government and the local community play an important role in promoting creative cultural industry. The local community should be responsible for the practical running of the culture industry. The government on the other hand has to pay attention to the arrangement and assignment of resources with its administrative power. To ensure the success of the Pu-zi embroidery industry, the author offers these following suggestions: First, local government should more aggressively give guidance to the local community and train certain civil servants to be responsible for executing policy decisions and sharing experience. Second, local government should infuse community spirit and integrate resources. Third, the quality of embroidery should be improved and funds need to be raised for the Embroidery Society.