本研究旨在瞭解嘉義縣國民小學教師工作滿意度之現況,並探討教師個人背景變項及學校環境變項在教師工作滿意度的差異情形。 本研究採用問卷調查方式,研究之對象為嘉義縣公立國民小學之現職教師,分層隨機抽取38所公立國民小學,發出問卷248份,回收之有效問卷217份。所得資料輸入電腦進行分析,所得結論如下:一、嘉義縣國民小學教師整體工作滿意度的現況屬中上程度。在量表七個層面中,以「組織內部互動關係」平均得分為最高,最低為「報酬資源與組織培育」,教師在各層面之工作滿意度皆達中上水準。二、國民小學教師個人背景變項「性別」、「教育程度」、「職務」、「服務年資」與學校環境變項「學校規模」、「學校所在地區」在整體教師工作滿意度量表的得分情形無顯著差異。三、不同性別國民小教師在教師工作滿意度量表上之「領導特質與行為」、「政策與行政」兩個層面上之工作滿意度達顯著差異。四、不同職務國民小學教師在教師工作滿意度量表上之「政策與行政」層面上達顯著差異,教師兼主任之工作滿意度在此層面優於級任教師。 The purpose of this study is to understand the current situations of elementary school teachers’ job satisfaction in Chiayi County and to take all the variables of teacher’s personal background and school environment into account. This study uses questionnaire survey method to investigate the in-service public elementary school teachers in Chiayi County. The samplings included 38 elementary schools, 248 questionnaires were sent and 217 effective questionnaires were returned. The results of this research were as follows:1. The current phenomenon of elementary school teachers’ job satisfaction in Chiayi County reached from medium to high level. In the seven gradations of the list in my questionnaire, the “Organization inner interactive relationship” got the highest score. On the contrary, the “resource of rewards and cultivation of organization” got the lowest. Generally speaking, teachers’ job satisfaction has reached medium to high level in all aspects.2. Elementary school teachers’ background variables, such as gender, educational degree, office function, seniority, and school environment variables, such as the school size and locations, got similar score in this teachers’ job satisfaction.3. As to teachers’ job satisfaction in these two aspects: “policy and administration” and “characteristics and behavior of leadership” in different genders, there is a significant diverseness.4. The “policy and administration” to different office functions in elementary school teachers has a significant diverseness in this questionnaire. Teachers that have served concurrently with directors have higher satisfaction in their jobs than others.