摘要: | 多數人對於曾犯罪者存在於週遭,仍懷有某些程度的恐懼感與低接納度在,這是更生人回歸社會困難的原因。提供受刑人出獄後重入社會的環境,是避免其再度犯罪的好方法,國內外對成年再犯相關研究預測,與工作不穩定因素有密切關係。而93年9904名出獄受刑人所面對的困境,其中也包括謀生技能與就業困難等,對於這些有心改過的人,必須協助他們正確調適心理和實際解決困境,落實輔導監督及更生保護工作,使他們能重新建立生命的定位,再次開創重新出發的機會。 『預防、偵查、審判、執行與保護』五個廣義的司法保護概念,係整體刑事案件處理流程之起始至最終階段,其中〝執行矯治〞與〝更生保護〞具有相輔相成作用,也是〝預防再犯〞的推手,故更生保護在司法業務上可稱是一重要環節。更生保護業務是政府施政措施的一環,它是政府為維護特殊族群的人權所發展的業務,其最終目的乃在維護全國人民的權益。 更生保護會為一非營利組織,60多年來持續不斷在做協助更生人重返社會、進入職場就業的工作,因其服務對象係不被社會接納與不受歡迎的一群人,故在推動上有其難以發揮功效的難度在。尤其國內現今整體經濟環境未有好轉之際,一般民眾就業機會都未必能順遂,有前科的更生人尋求重回職塲的境遇更是困難重重,重獲社會接納的路確實不容易走。 由於研究者曾接觸到輔導更生人並協助其就業機會,觸發探討本研究之動機。研究目的包括:了解更生保護會嘉義分會對於輔導更生人就業遇有之困境、更生人申請創業貸款創業及之營運狀況、雇主對僱用更生人的意願及因素、有助更生就業的技能訓練類別為何、如何提昇更生人就業市場之接納度等。藉由蒐集輔導更生人就業相關之文獻探討,及對更生保護會嘉義分會輔導更生人就業、職業訓練及創業等現況作一彙整。再利用深度訪談法作為資料分析,以更生人、雇主、更生輔導員等人為訪談對象,探究出更生人之就業、技訓及創業現況困境與趨勢等,提出本研究之發現。且依據研究結果,提出各項建議供更生保護會嘉義分會、就業服務機構等相關單位,對於未來創造及提供更生人就業、技訓、創業機會的方案,能更符社會期待。也期望更生人做好自我調整及就業準備,透過社會大眾及雇主們對更生人接納度的提昇,以達到協助更生人就業並穩定其就業之目的。 An ex-convicted person always has low acceptability to many people and is not easily acceptable by the society. We, therefore, have to build a less vulnerable circumstance for the ex-convicted (ex-offender) to return our society. During the year of 2004 in Taiwan, among 9904 ex-offenders have some difficulties in job-getting because lack of living skills. As to the help of ex-offenders, some assistance granted lead to psychological adjustment and problem-solving, which surely offers consultation and aftercare. These assistances also intend to help the ex-offender to the re-evaluation of life and finding a new start. In a general way, juridical protection is composed of crime prevention, criminal investigation, trial proceeding, execution, and aftercare, characterizing the whole process of a criminal case. Among these 5 stages, correction and aftercare have close relationships and sufficiently lead to the dead end of relapse. Thus, the aftercare truly plays an important part in jurisprudence/ judiciary. The Aftercare Association is an NPO (non-profit organization), providing an assistance to the ex-offenders in returning to society and getting jobs at least for 60 years. Its clients are the least acceptable people in the society. The given conditions often block the effects the association might introduce. And this situation has worsened while the whole economy is in a bad shape. The motive of this study comes from the author’s personal experience with the aftercare association and its ex-offenders clients. The research uses in-depth interview, both with ex-offenders and their consultants, so as to explore several issues: the ex-offender’s job-getting, their reception of job-training, and their start-up for business. According to the consequences drawn by the study, some policy implication and advice will be offered to the Chiayi Aftercare Association and the authorities for adequate policy making. Besides, the other subjects should be taken into consideration, such as the ex-offenders’ self-adjustment, the raising of social acceptability both from the public and the employers, etc. |