我國非營利組織運用名人代言推展公益活動,於近年來頗為盛行,惟學界對於此領域之探討著墨不多,引發筆者窺探研究之慾念。本研究動機是以非營利組織因其屬性與營利部門皆不相同,故對於邀請名人代言所衍生的條件、機制,兩者之差異與參考國內外非營利組織名人代言案例相比較,試圖從中發掘值得效法借鏡之處。 筆者根據本文研究歸納發現在國內部份,名人為非營利組織代言仍存有:信任大者恆大、重視媒體宣傳、以文化勞動者自居等看法、組織屬性與能力、活動內容等都是影響名人代言之意願等因素。而在國外非營利組織名人代言則具有:主動代言富含創意的特性、組織與名人主客易位的代言結合模式、議題倡導多元化、善用代言靈活手腕等特質。 本論文在政策建議方面,對於我國非營利組織未來結合名人代言進行公益活動,則有下列研究建議:加強公私協力資源整合、策略性運用名人代言、代言議題倡導擴及全球化等建言。綜言之,本論文主要為提供非營利組織在運用名人代言時,建立機制與未來發展之參考,並希望能為非營利組織名人代言之研究提供若干未來思考的方向。 The motivation of this thesis is to promote Philanthropy activities by Celebrity endorsement for Non-profit Organization (NPO). This study compares with the differences of condition and Mechanism between Profit Organizations and Non-profit Organizations, and also compares with some cases involving in Celebrity endorsement of International Non-profit Organizations (INPOs). In Taiwan, the Celebrity endorsement of NPOs reveals that believing the large organization will be still large, concentrating on media promotion and focusing on cultural labor. The attribute of departments, the activities and intension of Celebrity will influence the effects of Celebrity endorsemen. Other hand, the Celebrity endorsement of INPO reveals that the creative characteristic of initiative endorsement, the combination of organization and celebrity, the variety of issues and making good use of endorsement. This thesis has some suggestions related NPO to promote Philanthropy activities by Celebrity endorsement as the following issues: enhancing the combination of resources, useing the strategy of Celebrity endorsement, promoting of endorsement and globalization. The purpose of this thesis is to provide some reference materials and methods when NPO using the strategy of promoting Philanthropy activities by Celebrity endorsement.