彰化縣政府以發展地方產業為名,在2004年舉辦台灣花卉博覽會,策展透過招標採取和媒體合作方式委外辦理,吸引157萬餘人次參觀,造成相當程度的轟動。接著2005年由縣府自行策展,希望複製成功經驗,卻因官方對傳播與行銷和規畫缺乏創意,參觀人數銳減為23萬人次,兩年不同舉辦方式與結果比較,對地方產業博覽會發展,產生不小衝擊和不同效益,成為本研究探討的重點。 台灣花卉博覽會是以「國家花卉園區」的建造為藍本,2004年首次由彰化縣政府在台糖公司閒置多年的溪州舊農場開辦,相當具有指標意義,本研究以台灣地方產業博覽會規畫的觀點,分別就地方產業與博覽會的傳播與行銷進行探討,並對地方產業如何與文化政策、文化創意產業作作結合進行研究,最後再以縣府委外辦理策展和自辦的規畫效益不同作分析研究,提出具體建議。 從台灣地方產業博覽會傳播與行銷、規畫方式,以彰化縣兩年的經驗,可以得到幾個結論:一、地方產業文化活動,用博覽會方式作策展,相當有效果,而地方產業行銷,以善用媒體傳播與行銷,公私合辦最具效益。二、文化創意產業活動的策展,由地方政府主辦,在重視績效之餘,也要有監督機制,才能作危機處理,增加滿意度使活動效果更臻完美。三、博覽會活動規畫除了要有持續創意和重視美感外 ,也要永續經營的決心和計畫。 Chang Hua County Government (CHCG) is good in promotion local industrial development. In 2004, CHCG held Taiwan flower exposition through out-sourcing by tender and media cooperation. This exposition is well recognized and attracts 1.57 million people to attend. Followed year of 2005, CHCG intend to copy successful story of previous year to hold exposition by themselves. Due to rigid strategy and lack of innovation at government in communication and marketing promotion, number of participants reduced to 230,000 people from 1.57 million of previous year. This article is to study why different type of local industrial exposition held will impact people interests and development efficiency of exposition. Taiwan flower exposition is based on “ National Flower Garden” policy. In 2004, it is first time held by CHCG with certain expectation in Xi-Zhou old farm which belongs to Taiwan Sugar company. Based on the view of design strategies in Taiwan local industrial exposition, this article is to study how to cooperate between government culture policy and cultural innovative industry. At the end, this article raises some fruitful proposal and suggestion on efficiency of exposition between CHCG’s out-sourcing and self-hold by CHCG. With two years experiences in holding exposition by CHCG and refer to marketing, communication and design in Taiwan local industry exposition, we get some implication as follows,1.It shows high efficiency to promote local industry cultural activities with exposition. From local industrial marketing point of view, applying media and cooperation between out-sourcing and government self-management in holding exposition are the most efficiency.2.Exposition for local industrial innovative activities conducted by local government should not only measure its performance but also need to establish audit process in order to well manage crisis and improve satisfaction of exposition.3.Design for exposition should focus on visible comfortable, continuous innovation and sustainable holding every year.