目前社會大眾對警察之印象多在維持風紀與改善治安,但員警在工作上所遭遇的壓力卻極少人關注。由過去研究可以瞭解,參與休閒活動能提高參與者的生活滿意度。因此,本研究之目的在於探討台南地區基層警察之工作壓力、休閒參與度、休閒滿意度與生活滿意度之間的關係,以提供警政單位對基層員警身心健康發展之實務建議。本研究以台南縣警察局之基層員警作為研究對象,共計發出450份問卷,回收問卷428份,剔除無效與填答不完全之問卷11份,共計回收有效問卷417份,有效問卷回收率為92.67%。經因素分析、變異數分析、卡方檢定、迴歸分析與路徑分析進行假設之驗證。 經實證分析結果得到以下幾點結論:1.人口變項對休閒參與度之影響為部份成立;2.工作壓力與休閒參與為顯著正相關;3.工作壓力與生活滿意度為顯著負相關;4.休閒參與對休閒滿意度間有顯著正向影響;5.休閒參與對其生活滿意度有顯著正向影響;6.休閒滿意度間對其生活滿意度有顯著影響;7.休閒滿意度對員警之休閒參與對其生活滿意度存在中介效果。 Nowadays, when it says to policemen, people think they are the one who takes care of people’s lives, safety, and society order. But, policemen’s working stresses were seldom concerned. From past research, participating in leisure activities could promote participator’s life satisfaction. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between job stress, leisure participation, leisure satisfaction, and life satisfaction of Tainan County’s policemen. A stratified random sample of 450 policemen was drawn from a list of potential participants provided by Tainan County Police Bureau. The response rate of this study was 92.7%. The following statistic methods were used to analyze the collected data: Factor Analysis, Regression Analysis, and Path Analysis. The results of this study indicated 1. Part of demographic variables influenced leisure participation; 2. There was a positive relationship between job stress and leisure participation; 3. There was a negative relationship between job stress and life satisfaction; 4. There was a positive relationship between leisure participation and life satisfaction; 5. There was a positive relationship between leisure participation and life satisfaction; 6. There was a positive relationship between leisure satisfaction and life satisfaction; 7. Leisure satisfaction was a moderator variable of leisure participation and life satisfaction.