近幾年,政府積極推動地方觀光行銷,透過節慶活動的舉辦以達到地區行銷之效果,成功的節慶活動即是帶給遊客真實性的體驗,五感體驗將是解析遊客最終體驗之方式。因此,本研究主要目的為探究遊客參與台灣咖啡節之感官體驗元素與行為反應,並以質量並行的方式進行二階段探討,首先以質性研究—網路民族誌,先行探索遊客的五感體驗,以瞭解影響遊客五感體驗之脈絡關係,進而建立五感體驗量表;第二階段的量化研究則以結構方程模式,檢驗研究假設及確認研究架構之因果關係。 研究結果顯示,旅客透過五感體驗能針對節慶活動之地區產生地方意象,而此地方意象則會影響旅客的用心體驗及旅遊意願。五感體驗有著各種感覺器官的資訊整合性,旅客能夠真實的感受到節慶活動的特色與在地文化,並且產生新的地方意象。活動中,透過簡單易懂的體驗活動、資訊導覽、餐點品嘗及景觀配置等皆是影響旅客用心學習的因素,並且改變旅客對旅遊目的地的看法與感覺,創造出用心體驗的旅客,然而,當旅客參與節慶活動,實際感覺到的與理想中的意象有差距時,遊客選擇重遊此目的地的可能性也就愈低,因此本研究最後提出五感體驗的相關建議及未來研究方向,以供產官學界參考。 In recent years, the government promotes to advance the local tourism destination-marketing, in order to get the result of a regional marketing through the festival activity. The successful festival is important in understanding the visitors’ sensory experiences, five senses will experienced to analyze a traveler finally experience. Thus, this study aims to understand the visitors’ sensory experiences and behavior in the Taiwan’s Coffee Festival, and the study was conducted through two stages using both quantitative and qualitative research. The qualitative method of Netnography was applied for the first stage to investigate tourist’s sensory experiences. The second stage involved a structural equation modeling was applied to examine the causal relations among variables. The research results showed that tourist’s sensory experiences can to produce local image in the festival, and then the local image may significantly influence the visitors’ mindfulness and travel intention. Five senses were combining all kind of sense’s information, tourist actual to be affected by festival character and local culture, and created new local image. In the festival, it is easy to understand through experience activity, information guide, food to taste and landscape to deploy are influencing tourist mindfulness studying factors. It is changed to tourist’s attitude of mind and sensation. However, when tourist to attend the festival to feel reality with he was imagined in the heart are different, he will lower possibility to choose to revisit this place. Consequently, this study proposed sensory experience conclusion and suggestion based on the result to the production, academic and government fields.