本研究主要對象以台南縣、市地區174家旅行社為例,主要探討旅行社危機處理與運用公共關係溝通,降低危機事件所帶來的威脅與傷害。經由文獻回顧建立研究架構與假設,依據旅行社特性研擬問卷及配合訪談,來加強本研究主旨更為明確。總共獲得130份有效問卷,使用SPSS12.0進行統計分析。資料分析方法包含描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、卡方檢定及信度分析。研究結果顯示:1. 台南縣、市地區旅行社以成立11∼20年內的中小型甲種旅行社、及以OUTBOUND業務為主要經營型態。2. 旅行社對遭遇危機事件時,會借重危機處理小組與媒體溝通,來化解危機事件所帶來的傷害。3. 訪談方面,旅行社應積極蒐集危機事件相關訊息,並進行員工教育訓練。4. 旅行社應熟讀危機案例做為借鏡,善用媒體力量澄清不實報導、及處理人員的配置。 The purpose of this thesis is to make use of the 174 travel agencies between crisis management and public relation in the Tainan city and County. The strategies of risk-reducing, threaten, and injure which gives priority to information searching in the travel agencies. To begin with, previous studies reviews have to established of frame and hypothesis in this study; secondary, using a structured questionnaire was designed to collect the empirical data and a total number of 130 usable samples during the period of investigation of this study. Finally, the result analyzed using descriptive statistics such as One-way ANOVA, Chi-Square analyzed, and Cronbach’s α by SPSS 12.0. The major results are as follows: 1. About the Operation of traveling agencies Scale Management were Small and Medium-sized that is of 11 to 20 years for against the OUTBOUND business in the Tainan city and County. 2. Travel agencies were reduced to the risk by brains trust and medium intercommunicate. 3. An interview results were proposed large amounts of data collection on crisis events and training employee’s education in the travel agencies. 4. The results of this study contribute to establish the crisis management and public relation strategies for traveling agencies; it provides timely clarification, and new strategy for further development.