由於全球化時代的影響,國際間政治、經濟、文化、貿易等活動增加,再加上資訊及交通工具的發達,使得外交活動對世界局勢的影響更形重要。甚至在戰爭之前如果能透過外交活動就可以避免一場血腥的戰爭,而獲取應有的經濟或政治利益。《孫子兵法》所論述的戰略,大部份可以運用於外交活動而獲利。因此,《孫子兵法》不僅是一本用來教人如何用兵作戰的兵書,也是一本指導外交政策的寶典。本研究試著整理《孫子兵法》的外交戰略,並結合1996台海危機以進行闡述,並期能「不戰而屈人之兵」,創造雙贏的局面。 According to the affection of globalization, national actions of the politics, economic and culture are gradually advanced, for the more the information and conveyance are gradually developing. Therefore it is more important for the affairs of the world affected by diplomacy. Before the fight of war over diplomacy may avoid a sanguinary war, and may get the interests of economic or politic what we should deserve. It is beneficial for diplomacy actions by strategy from“ Art of War by Sun-Tzu”. Therefore the “ Art of War by Sun-Tzu”is not only lead how to generalship, but also a thesaurus for diplomatic policy. This research is trying to discussing the diplomatic strategy of“the Art of War by Sun-Tzu”, and example for the crisis of Taiwan Strait in 1996, to expect for the ends of double-win by “to subdue the enemy without fighting”which from the Sun Tzu's art of war.