摘要: | 隨著愈來愈多的台商西進大陸投資與工作,台商為了家庭與事業兼顧紛紛將子女帶至大陸,隨之而來的便是子女教育問題。雖然目前大陸地區設有三所台商子弟學校提供台商子女接受國內教育,但仍無法滿足其需求。金門縣政府與教育局鑒於當地長期人口外流、學齡人口數降低使得轄內學校缺額甚多,又當時「小三通」政策已正式啟動,金門與大陸具有地利之便,因此為繁榮地方發展與善用當地教育資源,並協助大陸台商解決子女教育問題,自91年9月起開辦大陸台商子弟赴金門就學計畫,自此大陸台商子弟前往金門就學即成為當地一個新興的教育現象,而此項就學計劃推動至今已逾五載,就學人數亦逐年增長,大陸台商子弟在金門地區就學之相關議題遂成為值得關注之焦點。 本研究為一個案研究,旨在探討大陸台商子弟赴金門就學之新興教育現象中,這群大陸台商子弟與其家長之背景特性、就學考量因素與訊息來源管道、就學適應情形與就學問題、未來升學與生涯發展趨向、以及至金門就學對台商子弟之意義,並從這些議題中尋找出共通的規律性。研究者透過文獻分析、問卷調查及深度訪談法進行資料之搜集,之後依據所得資料加以分析、討論與整理,並將主要發現歸納後做成結論,最後再據以提出相關建議供大陸台商子弟家長、學校、教育相關單位及未來研究者之參考,盼能促進此項就學計畫之永續推動與發展。 As many Taiwanese businessmen who go to Mainland China for investing and working want to look after both sides of family and career so that bring their children with. The ensuing problem is their children’s education. Although there are three schools in Mainland China providing their children to accept domestic education, however, the demand isn’t still be satisfied. In view of the facts that the long-term population removes and the amount of the school age population reduces that bring excessive vacancies. In addition, the policy " Mini three links " has been started also at that time. Hence, the government of Kinmen County and Education Bureau has been running the plan which Taiwanese businessmen’s children studying in Mainland China on September of 2002 to facilitate the development and apply educational resources of locality, also assist to resolve their children’s educational problem. Therefore, Taiwanese businessmen’s children of Mainland China study in Kinmen that has become an emerging educational appearance. The planning has been over 5 years, the amount of attending school increase year after year. The relative topics have become a focus worth to care. The research is a case study that aims at discussing the characteristics, the consideration elements of studying, the information source, the studying accommodating condition, the problems of studying, the trend of entering higher school and career’s arrangement, and the meaning of studying in Kinmen of group of children and their parents, and finding out the regularity. The study contains sources collection from literature review, questionnaire survey and in-depth interview, then analyses, discusses, arranges, and makes the conclusion by summing up the findings. Finally, providing the relative recommendations for the Taiwanese businessmen, school, the relative bureaus of education and the researchers and hoping to promote continually the development of the studying plan. |