摘要: | 人事管理是企業組織中相當重要且不可或缺的一環,扮演著重要的角色,隨著資訊科技的進步與網路的普及,在這資訊化的世代,人事業務資訊化是組織內部必備之重要e化項目,其中差勤管理業務是主要的e化項目之一,運用資訊科技改進差勤管理作業程序,提升行政效率與服務品質,並支援決策。 吳鳳技術學院為提昇差勤管理行政效能,自九十五年九月起,全面實施刷卡彈性上班,推動無紙化簽到(退)作業,以達差勤管理業務電腦化、個人差勤資料資訊化。本研究目的旨在探討個案學校自全面實施差勤管理系統後,行政人員實際使用情形之滿意成效,並就分析之結果提供相關意見及未來系統改善之參考建議,以期提昇系統服務品質與成效,提供更完善的服務。 本研究參考過去相關文獻,並以DeLone & McLean (2003)所提出之資訊系統成功模式為基礎,相關理論為輔,以吳鳳技術學院差勤管理系統使用為實證案例。本研究以問卷調查方式針對吳鳳技術學院行政人員進行研究調查,探討「系統品質」、「資訊品質」、「服務品質」等三個構面對於「使用情形」、「使用者滿意度」及「系統效益」之間的關係。 問卷資料經由相關檢定及皮爾森相關分析進行研究假說測試,研究結果顯示:在資訊品質、系統品質、服務品質、使用情形、使用者滿意度、系統效益等六個構面都具有正向顯著相關。經由統計分析結果顯示,系統品質是影響同仁對系統滿意度的最大因素,從ANOVA與Scheffe事後比較分析研究結果中發現,對於系統熟悉度愈高的,會較注重系統的品質,進而影響對系統的滿意度。 在實施差勤管理e化後,同仁對於系統所帶來的整體效益表示認同,整體使用者滿意度是偏向滿意的,普遍認同使用差勤管理系統可以加快完成簽到退速度、提升差假管理的效率、提高員工滿意度、提升人事作業的服務品質、減少紙張使用及降低人事的作業成本,該系統的實施具有正面的效益。 Personnel management has been an important part in an enterprise organization since the development of IT technology and the popularity of network. To digitalize data related to personnel business is a crucial item in the e-Enterprise. One of the major e-Enterprise personnel items is the attendance management. Therefore, how to promote the process of attendance management operation, its effect and service, and to support the strategies have been important issues. To promote the administrative effect on attendance management, Wu-feng Institute of Technology has performed full scale administrator ID card-swiping operation since September, 2006. It intends to promote paperless sign-in/out for the administrators and to computerize attendance management and digitalize personal attendance information. The purposes of this study are to investigate the satisfaction of the administrators who practice the card-swiping operation, to present suggestions to the improvement of the system, and to promote better service and quality from the system. Through literature reviews and based on the IS success model of Delone & McLean (2003) and other related theories, this study examines the personnel management system of Wu-feng Institute of Technology. With questionnaires, it discusses the qualities of the system, information and service and their relationship with other 3 dimensions of utilization, user satisfaction and system effect. The research hypothesis of the questionnaire is tested by Pearson correlation and other related analysis. The results manifest that the six dimensions—information quality, system quality, service quality, utilization, user satisfaction and system effect are obviously related. The statistics analysis shows the main factor to user satisfaction of the system is the quality of the system. From ANOVA and Scheffe multiple comparisons analysis methods, it is proved that the more familiar the user is to the system, the more the user concerns about the quality of the system and later enjoys more satisfaction of the system. To conclude, the attendance management system still has room to improve itself. From the study, the administrators of Wu-feng tend to agree and are satisfied with the total effect of the system in that it speeds up the sign in/out operation, promotes the effect of attendance management, upgrades the service quality of personnel management, decreases the usage of paper, and lower the costs in personnel management. The appliance of the attendance management system indeed generates positive effects. |