阿塞拜疆位於外高加索東部,為前蘇聯國家。於蘇聯解體後,阿塞拜疆對外面臨到與亞美尼亞的納卡(Nagorno-Karabakh)爭端,內部面臨到經濟的轉型。在政治局勢混亂的影響下,獨立初期的阿塞拜疆無法完全致力於經濟的轉型,導致國內經濟停滯、民生凋敝。幸於1992年以後,各國不斷對阿塞拜疆施予經濟援助,給予在經濟改革上所需資金。終於在1995年後,經濟發展逐漸好轉。在政治上,於1993年以阿利耶夫(Heidar Aliyev)為首的新阿塞拜疆黨執政後,國內的政局也漸趨穩定。 在阿塞拜疆獨立17年後的今天,阿國已連續兩年在實質國內生產毛額(Real GDP)成長率上為全球第一(2006年與2007年)。然而在如此傲人的經濟指數下,卻隱藏著很多問題,例如產業結構高度單一、貧富不均與區域發展失衡等問題。這些問題都使阿國在經濟發展上蒙上一層陰影。而在政治方面,在2005年國會大選前後,阿國反對黨不斷上街示威,抗議選舉制度有瑕疵及選舉不公,雖然最後該事件並未造成政權輪替,卻也暴露出阿國在政治上的不穩定。 阿塞拜疆雖為小國,但其地理位置在能源運輸上,有很重要的戰略意義。故阿國的政經發展,不僅關係到該國人民,更關係到俄、美勢力的消長。確實有研究的必要。 Azerbaijan is the former Soviet Union's country in the east of Transcaucasus. After the Soviet Union disintegrated, Azerbaijan faced getting to the war in Armenia and economic transition inwards. Under the influence that the political situation is confused, Azerbaijan can't make effort to engage in economic transition in independence initial stage. It caused the domestic economy stagnating, the people's livelihood was depressed. Fortunately, every country offered the economic aid to Azerbaijan in the economic reform. Finally, the economic development of Azerbaijan took a favorable turn gradually after 1995. Politically, the domestic political situation was steady gradually after headed by Heidar Aliyev of The New Azerbaijan Party took power. In the next 17 years for Azerbaijan independence, Azerbaijan has already been the first in the world by the rate of increase of real Gross Domestic Product. But under the great economic index, Azerbaijan had many serious problems. For example the industrial structure was highly single, too much difference between the rich and the poor and area are developed out-of-balancly. These questions all made Azerbaijan have some troubles in economic development. In the political respect, the opposition is demonstrating in the street constantly, protested that there is the flaw in the electoral system and elect unjustly during 2005 parliament election. Though this incident has not caused the regime changing, Azerbaijan was exposed in political unstability. Although Azerbaijan is a small country, its geographical position has important meanings strategically that the transportation of the energy. So the political and economic development of Azerbaijan was related to growth and decline of America and Russia force. It is really necessary to study.