摘要: | 2005年2月京都議定書(Kyoto Protocol)正式生效。在國際現實壓力下,台灣各產業皆應重新思考發展政策,進行調整。現今,產業已經逐步研擬不同因應做法,作為削減二氧化碳的策略。針對半導體產業,本研究希冀能找出最適合該產業因應全球暖化壓力的CO2減量策略。因此,本研究主要目的為利用模糊分析層級程序法(fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, FAHP)去分析半導體產業對於執行削減二氧化碳之優先策略。首先透過文獻與國內外案例之彙整與分析,提出企業因應全球暖化之削減策略,並將策略區分為能源策略、製程管理、產品、廢棄物管理及交通運輸等五大構面。依此,建構出屬於模糊分析層級程序法(FAHP)之專家問卷,共郵寄出120份問卷給名列於台灣半導體產業協會(TSIA)的企業,問卷對象為負責溫室氣體削減之主管,填寫不同削減策略之相關權重值,進而分析執行削減策略之優先次序。分析樣本主要區分為已簽署與未簽署自願性減量倡議的公司兩大部分,從分析結果可知,已簽署企業(8家)認為「交通運輸」 (0.2602)是最重要的構面,依序為「廢棄物管理」(0.2129)、「能源策略」(0.2045)、「產品」(0.1766)及「製程管理」(0.1459)。反之,未簽署企業(16家)則是認為「產品」(0.2797)是最重要的構面,其次為「廢棄物管理」(0.2081)、「交通運輸」(0.2045)、「能源策略」(0.1766)及「製程管理」(0.1459)。探究其原因,若依已簽署企業有期限減量之壓力來看,「運輸」構面如:鼓勵員工改善通勤方式等,是屬立即可實施,且立即能顯現效果的策略;而未簽署的企業,則偏向於考量減量執行難易度的策略選擇。期望藉由分析的結果,呈現我國半導體產業對於因應全球暖化的策略,以利後續半導體產業在低碳經濟中尋求競爭優勢。 Kyoto Protocol has become effective in the February of 2005. Under this situation, all the Taiwanese companies need to adjust their environmental policy and practices, and well as prepare the pressure may have from the international society. Various strategies regarding electronics industry for mitigating carbon dioxide emission have been proposed in order to maintain competitive advantage. In this study, the author tries to understand how the semiconductor industry responses to the global warming and to find out the common strategies semiconductor companies currently adopt. Based on an extensive literature study, five mitigation and adaptation strategies for companies in response to global warming were identified. They are: Energy Improvement, Process Improvement, Waste Management, Transportation Management and Kyoto Mechanism. Based on this structure, an expert questionnaire of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) was designed and mailed to the managers who are in charge of this issue of 120 companies who are members of Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association (TSIA). FAHP technique then was applied to analyze the relative weightings of different strategies and determine the most prioritized strategies of mitigating carbon dioxide for Taiwanese semiconductor industry. To explore the differences of strategies for mitigating carbon dioxide, the results were analyzed based on two groups of samples, companies who signed and did not sign the Voluntary Carbon Reduction (VCS) program. Results of those companies who signed VCS (8 respondents) indicate that "transportation" (0.2602) was the most important dimension followed by "waste management" (0.2129), "energy strategy" (0.2045) "product" (0.1766), and "process management" (0.1459). However, results of those who did not sign samples (16 respondents) show that "prodcut" (0.2797) was the most important dimension, followed by "waste management" (0.2081), "transportation" (0.2045) "energy strategy" (0.1766), and "process management" (0.1459). This discrepancy maybe due to that the signed companies have the deadline for reaching the reduction goal; so they tend to adopt the strategies which the results can be demonstrated apparently, such as strategies in the "transportation" dimension. On the other hand, the unsigned companies seem to focus on the whether the strategies can be implemented easily or not. It is expected that the results derived from this study can help decision-makers in the semiconductor industry to identify those strategies where acceptance and improvements can be made and in prioritizing to reduce their global warming gases. |