摘要: | 電子商務是一項重要的變革。電子商務的基礎在於全球遍佈的網際網路。電子化企業則是將公司電腦化,並且與網際網路相連結,藉由網網相連讓出版事業提升績效及產生新的機會,使出版事業能夠和顧客、合作夥伴、供應者及知識工作者緊密的互動。 本研究有兩個主要目的。第一為了解傳統出版事業經由電子商務所引發的創新與變革。再來是研究電子商務及知識管理在出版事業的應用。對於出版事業而言,知識是最重要的資源之一。知識工作者彼此分享知識,同時也和顧客、供應者共享知識,使得問題更快得到解決,出版品存貨妥善管理,也產生更多行銷與銷售創意,從而使工作做得更好。 網際網路為傳統出版事業帶來改革的新方向,以更低的成本來為顧客提供最好的產品、服務及問題的解決。組織的知識工作者可藉由網際網路規劃並進行工作,知識管理者也可利用網際網路找到需要的人才。亦即在網際網路上,經由網路基礎設施可延伸與連結到價值鏈中的每個環節。 總而言之,本論文環繞的核心,在於傳統出版事業轉型為電子化企業,應著眼於電子商務所提供的服務及各項應用的相互整合。電子化企業具有更低的成本費用與更高作業效率及效能。若是出版事業掌握變革與轉型的契機,必能持續不斷的成長。 A revolution is happening called e-commerce, and it is based on the largest communications network in the world, the Internet. E-business is about use the Internet to run your company increased efficiency, and how you identify the publishing house and bookseller opportunities that arise because your customers, partners, suppliers, and knowledge workers are now on-line, to interact on the Internet. This paper has two major objectives. 1. To understand an e-commerce has enabled innovative for the traditional publishing house and bookseller. 2. To study an e-commerce and the knowledge management that applied in the publishing house and bookseller. Knowledge is one of the most important resources in publishing house and bookseller. Knowledge workers do their jobs better because they all share Knowledge with each other and with customers, suppliers, and problems get fixed faster, inventory levels in books are managed better, and sales-and-marketing are made more deals. The Internet has enabled innovative new ways for the traditional publishing house and bookseller to sell to consumers that expect only the best products, services, and solutions for the lowest possible cost. Knowledge workers make their own plans and do their own work on the Internet. Knowledge managers give raises and hire new knowledge workers on the Internet. The Internet enabling infrastructure exists to link all the pieces in the value chain. As a whole, this thesis centers on a form of an e-commerce been providing an integrated solution for turning a business into an e-business provide the services, and the applications to transform the traditional publishing house and bookseller. An e-business makes operations more efficient, better effective, and less expensive. If publishing house or bookseller is not connected, it simply is not going to survive. |