本研究主要的目的是想更深入瞭解Hirschi社會控制理論之社會連結因素(social bond)對雲嘉地區少年偏差行為的影響,並探討其中的影響機制(mechanism)。為驗證假設,本研究遂利用齊力教授所主持的國科會專案計畫「學童道德意識養成之研究:以雲嘉地區國中、小學生為例」的問卷資料,進行自陳問卷訪問,調查雲嘉地區的二崙國中、大林國中、北興國中等三所國民中學,以及二崙國小、三和國小、嘉北國小等三所國民小學。共計抽得國小六年級至國中三年級之樣本數823人。以此為樣本來進行資料分析,探討社會連結與雲嘉地區少年偏差行為。 本研究經過所有研究變項的差異檢定、複迴歸分析以及路徑分析之後,主要的研究發現所有的社會連結要素與三種不同程度類型之偏差行為以及整體性偏差行為之間均存在著反向關係,支持了Hirschi社會控制理論所言『社會連結要素愈緊密則偏差行為傾向愈低』之論點。而且依附於父母、依附於學校、依附於同儕、參與及信念等控制對雲嘉地區少年的偏差行為各具相當的預測力。除此之外並發現,對於雲嘉地區少年偏差行為而言,社會連結要素在解釋說明程度輕微的偏差行為比嚴重性偏差行為的解釋預測能力較佳。 The study intends to make an overall review on Hirschi's social control theory and to examine the relative effects and the influences of social bond on juvenile deviant behavior in Yunlin and Chiayi areas, and to research its mechanism of influences. In order to examine the hypotheses, the study used Dr. Chi's survey data of the study on formation of moral consciousness of students in Yunlin and Chiayi areas. This study chose 3 junior high schools and 3 primary schools. Two classes of 6th grade were chosen from each of the three primary schools, and also two classes were chosen from each grade of each junior high school. 823 students successfully completed the self-administered questionnaires. The results of analysis of variance and multiple regression analysis show that the magnitude and direction of observed relationships between social bond and juvenile delinquency in three deviant behavior scales and in the whole deviant behavior.And all of them have moderately supported the Hirschi's theory. And in general, the variables of social control theory do have significant effects on the occurrences, especially the variables of attachment to parents, to schools, to classmates, involement and the variable of belief. In the meantime,social bond are more predictive for the less serious forms of deviance than for the more serious forms.