本研究旨在探討國小中年級教科書中呈現的「死亡概念」,進而明瞭死亡概念在書中的整個概況及各類死亡概念的內容。本研究採內容分析法,以Speece & Brent(1996)的死亡概念內涵為主,以林烝增(1997)對國內兒童死亡認知的研究結果為輔,建立本研究的分析類目,兼從文字與圖畫二方面來分析國小中年級審定本教科書。所分析的資料主要有二部分:一為概括分析,分從整體、版本、冊別及科目四個角度進行次數統計、百分比及卡方考驗;另一為描述分析,深入歸納各類死亡概念的內容。 本研究主要發現如下:一、在死亡概念的概況分析中,國小中年級教科書以「非肉體的持續」與「原因性」二類較常出現,相形之下「無機能性」與「擬人化」的描述甚少出現。若進一步就版本、冊別與科目三角度加以分析,在各版本、各冊別、各科目上都以「非肉體的持續」、「原因性」與「普遍性」的傳達較多,「不可逆性」、「無機能性」與「擬人化」的傳達較少。而在差異性的考驗上,發現各類目在不同版本上、或不同冊別上、或不同科目上的分布都有顯著差異存在。二、在死亡概念的描述分析上,國小中年級教科書在各類的死亡概念分析中,其內容的呈現都有常被描述及不常被提及的現象。 根據以上的研究結果,提出若干建議,以作為相關單位之教科書編製、修訂與審查及教師未來教學的參考。 In order to serve as a reference for the future textbooks editing and the teaching, this is a study on the content of death concept and the frequency of the concept of death pattern in the third and fourth graders’ Chinese, Social science, Ethics & Health textbooks. The method of Content Analysis is adopted to form my table of the concept of death pattern. I use Speece and Brent’s concept of death classification as the main part of my approach and the findings of Taiwanese children’s concept of death by Cheng-tseng Lin as a support to the main part of my approach. The materials used to be studies are the pictures and the description regards to death in those third and the fourth graders’ textbooks which passed the examining system by the Ministry of Education. The outcome I get after analyzing those materials is divided into the quantitative and qualitative parts. The qualitative part of my result is based on the study of my materials as an whole and to its versions, volumes, and subjects, and then I analyze the frequency of the concept of death in them and finally percentage the result and do the Chi Square test. The major results drawn from this study as follows: 1.In my table of the concept of death pattern, “noncorporeal continuation” and the “causality” have the highest frequency among all. 2.The “nonfunctionality” and “personification” appears at a very low rate. 3.Each of Version, Volume and Subject time made significant differences. 4.There was a similar situation that all of the contents shown in every concept of death patterns put emphasis on some aspect. Based on the results of this study, it provides further suggestions for the textbooks editors, educators and the future studies.